VaranisArano wrote: »Read the forums.
I'm on console, with my PC right next to me also. My load screens are only 5-10 seconds average, with the longest being around 20-30 seconds (and then, about 15 seconds in, it says might be unusually long lol!) And, all my friends I chat with have about the same, so this thread is making me wonder: Are the PC-load times affected by all of the add-ons you guys use? Or...? Why is the PC this way, while console isn't?
And later sleep a little.Lady_Sleepless wrote: »Other.
Open up my tablet and play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Talk to some villagers, go fishing...
I know I am in the minority here, but my loading screens are nowhere near long enough to actually do anything in the meantime. Even going into Cyrodiil isn't all that bad for me.
But kudos to those who fit in the time for some healthy exercise while they wait
Load screens are 1-2 mins or more. This especially in rawkla. In that time, I can respond to a forum post or create my own thread.