Should Transmuting traits on a piece of gear really make it account bound?

Really, I'm curious what people think. Make sure to explain why in the comments.
Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver

Should Transmuting traits on a piece of gear really make it account bound? 37 votes

Yes (explain why)
driosketchkwisatzSoellaNebthet78thestud2012Ipsiusstarlizard70ub17_ESOTarukmocktoNovaMarxTaleof2CitiesRawkanAzurephoenix999Easily_LostKraziJoeAdamskiAldersmajulookBeardimusJuju_beansSteemRollerBobphontom78kiss 30 votes
No (explain why)
Iruil_ESOadriant1978Emma_OverloadStewart1874BananaEtrellaAlvedolin 7 votes
  • Taleof2Cities
    Yes (explain why)
    If the new piece wasn’t bound there would be no need for trait research anymore. Players could just buy the pieces at the guild traders or from other players.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Yes (explain why)
    It's one of the few reasons that makes the effort to max out crafting on a character worthwhile.
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on May 18, 2018 1:10PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • JKorr
    So, I get a not really good trait on a piece of an otherwise really popular set. I have a maxed crafter with all 9 traits researched. I find out what the current bis/fotm trait is, transmute the not really good one, and immediately put it up for sale for 40k+. I get another piece of really popular set, and repeat the previous. Why would anyone else ever bother to run the content if they could simply buy/commission the piece of gear they want with the trait they want?

    It wouldn't even have to be me that gets the gear; I could transmute the trait for anyone who was willing to pay me to do it for a piece of gear they got. Can't do that if the transmuted piece is bound to *my* account.
  • adriant1978
    No (explain why)
    Gear from dungeons and trials is already BoP so there'd be no disincentive for people to do this content.

    Don't really see the harm in letting people with crystals to spare transmute and sell BoE overland set pieces they don't need.
  • ghastley
    Yes (explain why)
    Yes, mainly for internal game engine reasons. Trait transmuted items multiply the number of globally unique item ID's needed by nine, Bound items don't draw from that pool, as they only need to be stored for the account. It's the same reason crafted items get bound.

    I don't know if they store the details of bound items on the client, or moved that up a level to prevent cheating, but it's not needed at the server level where trading takes place.
  • Emma_Overload
    No (explain why)
    It's a huge hassle if you have multiple accounts, but only one account has a maxed out crafter. You are forced to make each account research nirnhoned weapons, for example, because they almost always have to be transmuted from some other trait.
    Edited by Emma_Overload on May 19, 2018 5:55AM
  • Stewart1874
    No (explain why)
    No. Would add value to crap items; E.g well fitted Necropotence if you could transmute it yourself then sell it you'd have a quick cash making scheme.

    Alternatively, its a brutal grind to get the 50 so 'selling transmute' would also be a viable gold making scheme.

    There shouldn't be restrictions on how you make gold.
    PS4 - Europe - Aldmeri Dominion
  • majulook
    Yes (explain why)
    If you could sell transmuted gear so could everyone else, the market would be flooded with the most wanted traited items and the game would be come crap.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
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