Most damage and healing abilities scale with the resource they consume. For example if an ability consumes magicka, it will scale with maximum magicka and spell damage. If something consumes stamina, it will scale with maximum stamina and weapon damage. Ultimate abilities, as well as a few others (ex. DK:Ardent Flame:Flames of Oblivion scale to your higher stat). Generally the scaling is to maximum magicka/10.5 + spell damage for magicka abilities, and maximum stamina/10.5 + weapon damage. As of Summerset updated, light and heavy attacks will scale the same way. There are some exceptions: Sorcerer pet damage only scales to maximum magicka, and so do shields such as Harness Magicka and Ward (Sorcerer). Templar:Dawn's Wrath: Power of the Light damage only scales to maximum stamina and the other morph, Purifying Light, to maximum magicka. A few abilities scale on maximum health as percentage, but this is clearly stated in the tooltip.
Thanks for the replies,
So is there much difference in performance damage wise between a maxed out stat and a half stat. Ie 32 v 64 in your stat.
It would seem it would only be a 3 point difference from what I can see so it looks like gear and enchantments woukd have a greater effect.
Personally I think this is the wrong way to do it
I feel damage should only scale from weapon or spell damage
Your stamina and magicka pools should be only for how many times you can use a skill, all stats should.reflect what they say none of this multiple sourcing it makes balancing a pain.
You would know instinctively what stat to boost based on tool tips and PvP would be much better to balance
Personally I think this is the wrong way to do it
I feel damage should only scale from weapon or spell damage
Your stamina and magicka pools should be only for how many times you can use a skill, all stats should.reflect what they say none of this multiple sourcing it makes balancing a pain.
You would know instinctively what stat to boost based on tool tips and PvP would be much better to balance
This. There are not enough attributes in ESO. It's oversimplified, and mostly forces players to put all stats into one attribute only. Then you're left with armor, jewelry, weapons and potions to add stats. The latter should only be used to specialize to a certain degree. Instead they account for almost the entire build of a character. People have grown accustomed to it, but it is far from ideal. From people who have spent at least 1000-2000 hours in 2-3 different MMO's over the last decade, I'd be interested in a poll to see where they rank ESO's attribute system. I personally rank it near the bottom. I may create a poll later to see, though I suspect many people who haven't played another MMO, or played any others for an exceptional length of time will pretend that they have. Will see.