Alright, I'm an 600cp+ player who has not played the game in a couple of months because the game started to feel to easy and trials felt more like really long and tedious dps dummy's. However, today I realized that if I want a challenge I just have to create one for myself. So here is what I have for ESO Expert difficulty
** Note this is all you, ZOS doesn't need to change anything for this**
1. If your character dies you must delete it (Not for PVP of course)
The reason this is here is that it actually punishes the players death. If you die you are dead.
2. No CP
This is to prevent the whole power creep thing.
3. The only money or items you are allowed to use is the money and items that you earn on this character. You cannot transfer items between your characters.
Truth is if you have enough gold you can buy dps and tanky-ness because of golding rare sets and whatnot.
4. You must discover the entire map yourself
This is using the TrueExploration Addon by Shinni. This is just supposed to add to the challenge of essentially not knowing where you are going.
5. No guides
You may not search up how to do anything. Not quests, not dungeons, no matter the difficulty.
6. No intentional animation-cancelling
Game honestly becomes too easy if you use it. However, it does happen unintentionally so that doesn't count.
7. No add-ons except for the ones on the list
The game becomes a lot easier with add-ons.
8. Most basic UI Settings
Again, having all those numbers and buff trackers really makes the game much easier.
9. Hybrid build only
Since hybrids are so non-meta that this alone adds a fair bit of challenge.
The reason I'm posting this is because I need some help brain storming some more legit things I could add to the list to make the game feel more difficult.
Don't say some *** like : Play only using feet, control multiple characters at the same time etc.