Hi, I am new to addon writing and to lua so I guess I am doing something wrong but I just cant see what.
I thought to post my issues here in the hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance
I have put all strings in an en.lua file,
local strings = {
CM_ADDON_LONG_NAME = "Currency Manager", -- works ok
CM_ADDON_DESCRIPTION = "Automatic Management of Character Bankable Currencies",
CM_MANAGEMENT_TYPE_TIP = "Select the Management Type",
CM_GOLD_MANAGEMENT_TYPE = "|cffff24Gold:|r Management Type",
CM_POSTFIX_GOLD_MAN_TYPE= " Management Type",
CM_MAN_TYPE_NONE = "|c5cb700None|r = No Management",
1. this works ok
type = "panel",
-- name = the title you see in the list of addons when displayed by "Settings, Addons"
name = GetString(CM_ADDON_LONG_NAME),
-- displayName = the title at the top of the addon panel
displayName = "|c4a9300" .. GetString(CM_ADDON_LONG_NAME) .. "|r",
2. commented line gives no error but does not display
type = "description",
--text = GetString(CM_MAN_TYPE_NONE), -- does not work but no error
text = "|c5cb700None|r = No Management",
3. commented lines both give a UI error (second one is what I am aiming for)
type = "dropdown",
name = "|cffff24Gold:|r Management Type",
--name = getString(CM_GOLD_MANAGEMENT_TYPE), -- does not work gives ui error
--name = "|cffff24" .. getString(CM_PREFIX_GOLD_MAN_TYPE) .. "|r" .. getString(CM_POSTFIX_GOLD_MAN_TYPE), -- does not work gives ui error