Aint it cornflower that's worth a bomb? Cost me 75k for a stack the other dayDidn't search around tho mind you.
You can also skip out on the Major Prophecy if you're using Inner light which saves quite a bit.
EDIT: the average player wont really use these, maybe 2 stacks a month which is manageable. I just craft a couple before heading into a trial, otherwise I use trash pots & drop a skill to get Major Sorcery.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Aint it cornflower that's worth a bomb? Cost me 75k for a stack the other dayDidn't search around tho mind you.
You can also skip out on the Major Prophecy if you're using Inner light which saves quite a bit.
EDIT: the average player wont really use these, maybe 2 stacks a month which is manageable. I just craft a couple before heading into a trial, otherwise I use trash pots & drop a skill to get Major Sorcery.
Well the increase efficiency way too much, yeah you can do the non dlc vet dungeons without them, but anything higher than that you will be making things way harder for yourself. it basically saves you 3 skill slots which is an insane amount of utility/dps or even self healing.
The average player does dlc dungeons and vma, but they wipe a lot and this will be a nightmare for them. Actually this can lock them out of those more difficult content because they can't maximize their dps because it costs too much
jaschacasadiob16_ESO wrote: »Considering the time it takes to farm the flowers, I'd say they are quite cheap. I often sell raw material rather than pots themselves. Yo ucan find ppl willing to pay 750 a Corn.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »The average player can't afford that on a regular basis.
The average player does dlc dungeons and vma
The problem is that its to hard to swap potions in fight.I feel like pots should be situational entirely. Not something you chug like no tomorrow.
you always slot Inner Light for Major Prophecy anyways.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »The average player can't afford that on a regular basis.
The average player does dlc dungeons and vma
Who is this 'average player' you conjure up to make your point sound valid?
On another note, consumables and maybe furniture is basically what's left of the player driven market. You buy a potion because having it instantly available is of more worth to you (or the average player) than its price or farming the materials yourself. It's your and everybody else's choice and that's what generates supply and demand.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »The average player can't afford that on a regular basis.
The average player does dlc dungeons and vma
Who is this 'average player' you conjure up to make your point sound valid?
On another note, consumables and maybe furniture is basically what's left of the player driven market. You buy a potion because having it instantly available is of more worth to you (or the average player) than its price or farming the materials yourself. It's your and everybody else's choice and that's what generates supply and demand.
The average player is basically anyone not part of any major guilds who do pro trial runs with scores, who just wants to complete the game content and get good gear and have fun.
Also its not a choice because people have a specific amount of time to play the game, if they cant spend that time farming ingredients, yet in order to achieve the right builds you need pots. Its not a 2k dps drop, its an entire skill utility that you don't have.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »The problem is they are crucial for many builds and yes hence why they are expensive, but they really should be more accessible some how maybe ingredient double drop rate. Popping 180g every 45s is too much. A stack is worth around 36k and its makes like 2 trial runs or 4 vma runs without too many wipes mind you.
The average player can't afford that on a regular basis.
Personally I started collecting the mats and crafting my own potions but it takes forever, besides I really feel so bad everytime I use one.
The stamina ones are much cheaper for some reason even though it is also as crucial
You always have a choice, especially if you only have a certain amount of time. Not doing something means you set your priorities on other things with all the consequences attached. You can't have all-in-one.Bigevilpeter wrote: »Also its not a choice because people have a specific amount of time to play the game, (...)
I feel like pots should be situational entirely. Not something you chug like no tomorrow.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »The average player can't afford that on a regular basis.
The average player does dlc dungeons and vma
Who is this 'average player' you conjure up to make your point sound valid?
On another note, consumables and maybe furniture is basically what's left of the player driven market. You buy a potion because having it instantly available is of more worth to you (or the average player) than its price or farming the materials yourself. It's your and everybody else's choice and that's what generates supply and demand.
The average player is basically anyone not part of any major guilds who do pro trial runs with scores, who just wants to complete the game content and get good gear and have fun.
Also its not a choice because people have a specific amount of time to play the game, if they cant spend that time farming ingredients, yet in order to achieve the right builds you need pots. Its not a 2k dps drop, its an entire skill utility that you don't have.