There is a lot to be said for the resilience of PvE'ers doing the veteran trial content, especially the one who do progression runs on DLC content. These progression runs can last for months depending on how often the group can meet and how long they can stay grouped per run. These people will continue to be just a resilient for future content. This is because a good group will look at a failed run and say one of two things: "What killed us this time and how do we fix it?" or "Get Gewd." They continue facing the problem and come up with new strategies until they are successful and have the new skin.
The same cannot be said for the PvP'ers. A few of them are resilient and pick themselves back up after a failure, however a lot of them just whine and complain to ZOS for more nerfs. You can look at the PvE forums and compare them to the PvP forums. This difference is usually because there are a lot of guildless people playing PvP compared to PvE, and they don't seem to understand strategy whatsoever. However, they are still contributing to this problem.
The PvP'ers mentality towards failure has to change because you are slowly killing the vet trial community. You keep complaining and ZOS keeps nerfing. It has gotten to the point that a lot of builds are no longer viable for PvE content. One of my friends favorite toon is a MagDK that she can't use for vet content anymore because it isn't outputting as much DPS as it used to. It is not from a lack of skill, it is not from a lack of practicing parses, it is because enough people complained about MagDKs in PvP that ZOS nerfed the hell out of them. I cannot fault ZOS for this, nor will I because they are simply giving the majority of people what they want. Everytime something gets nerfed for PvP, it makes it that much harder for PvE. A lot of new people who want to do vet content get turned away, because it is legitimately too hard to get enough DPS now and it is sad. It used to be that you couldn't run a vet Trial because spots would fill up too fast, now you can't run a vet trial because you can't find enough people.
So I say this to all PvP'ers..."Get Gewd."