SoggyBizkit wrote: »Friend of mine has decided he’s not getting the next expansion as it’s P2W. As much as I want to disagree with him I am finding he has some very valid points. The main 2 being you will be able to purchase jewellery crafting research scrolls allowing you to max out researching far quicker than the base game did all those years ago. This in turn will allow you to craft and make money quicker then anyone else not prepared to spend real money. This is something I can handle but there is some truth to what he says.
Next is the biggest problem for him and now myself. We both liked to play mostly pvp and now there’s a serparate skill line locked behind a pay wall. What happens when someone is killed by this said skill line ? We have all seen there’s a few skills people will be using and to good effect in pvp. So now to him the game has become P2W.
I can understand his point and I will be loosing a friend to this. I understand NEW content should be locked behind pay walls etc but a whole skill line seems pretty harsh to people who don’t have the money. I myself still haven’t completed any imperial city, thieves guild, dragon bones or clockwork city content so summerset is only back logging my content further. I’m in two minds whether to purchase summerset or not.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
This, note that in WOW the level cap increases with each expansion and you need the expansion to even touch the new endgame.MLGProPlayer wrote: »I guess WoW, GW2, and FFXIV are P2W games too then. In fact, according to your logic, there is no such thing as a non-P2W MMO!
This, any mmo who want to grow or even maintain its population has to have updates.It's not P2W because you aren't winning anything by getting Summerset.
It's an expansion, with expansion features. Stop crying about it.
SoggyBizkit wrote: »I would like just like to be clear I pre ordered summerset the moment it came avaible and I will still be playing. A few people keep quoting other mmo’s like wow and their dlc. Yeh sure they have new races and classes with expansions but that’s expected.
What my friend is talking about is something different. A serparate skill line which can be used by any class/race and which will have a skill bis for pve/pvp.
Someone who hasn’t purchased summerset which will still play pvp May feel differently when they are killed by a skill from the Psijic order.
Most MMO increase level cap with expansion, in wow just 5 levels increase dps a lot, probably double it.SoggyBizkit wrote: »I would like just like to be clear I pre ordered summerset the moment it came avaible and I will still be playing. A few people keep quoting other mmo’s like wow and their dlc. Yeh sure they have new races and classes with expansions but that’s expected.
What my friend is talking about is something different. A serparate skill line which can be used by any class/race and which will have a skill bis for pve/pvp.
Someone who hasn’t purchased summerset which will still play pvp May feel differently when they are killed by a skill from the Psijic order.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »I guess WoW, GW2, and FFXIV are P2W games too then. In fact, according to your logic, there is no such thing as a non-P2W MMO!
Like others already said, if Summerset is P2W because of its skill line, then so was Morrowind. If you want to make that arguement then other DLCs were also pay to win. You can't get that BiS Molag Kena when you don't own IC. It's really a strange line to draw, but I get where he's coming from.
In my opinion the research scrolls are pay to win and taking the dedication out of being a crafter, but ZOS seems to prefer craft-your-own-gear crafting to craft-for-your-friends. So from that point of view the scrolls are "alright", since autonomy is the ideal and research is for the most part a matter of time.