I was in a final 2 hour battle when a Man appeared and offered me the very first Elder Scroll. He said he was a Dweamer. Dreamer/Dwemer A Scientist. That by changing one letter or erasing another entire history's and peoples would be changed forever. Even The Gods would bow to Science He said, and to prove his point He summoned all the God'sand demanded they return in 3 days. After a week they realized they were stuck in a groundhog day and never made it passed the second day they too bowed to Science. So he taught Me this song SUPERTRUMP sung to the tune Dreamer by Supertramp

Dweamer, you know you are a dweamer
Well, can you put your hands in your head? Oh no
I said, "Dweamer, you're nothing but a dweamer"
Well, can you put your hands in your head? Oh no
I said, "Far out, what a day, a year, a life it is"
You know, well you know you had it comin' to you
Now there's not a lot I can do
Dweamer, you stupid little dweamer
So now you put your head in your hands, oh no
I said, "Far out, what a day, a year, a life this is"
You know, well you know you had it comin' to you
Now there's not a lot I can do
Work it out someday
If I could see something
You can see anything you want, boy
If I could be someone
You can be anyone, celebrate, boy
Well, if I could do something
You can do something
If I could do anything
But can you do something out of this world?
Take a dream on a Sunday
Take a life, take a holiday.
Take a lie, take a dreamer
Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream along
Dweamer, dream, dream along
C'mon and dream and dream along
C'mon and dream and dream along
C'mon and dream and dream along
Dweamer, you know you are a dweamer
Can you put your hands in your head? Oh no
I said dweamer, you're nothing but a dweamer
Can you put your hands in your head? Oh no, oh no
One Scroll to rule them all!