Posted about this before and it was suggested need to be more specific when/where this happens.
Background on the problem:
When doing some quests (not 4 man group quests, just regular ones) with 4 of my friends in a group of 5, when we enter some areas we all end up in same instance fine, other times on same quest we end up in 2 different instances and no matter what we do (relogging/recall to leader/etc) can't get everyone back in same instance.
Latest happened tonight NA server....
With a group totaling 5 we started the quest line to kill Baron Montclair in Rivenspire.
1. Did the quest Northpoint in Peril, no problem.
2. Did the quest Liberation of Northpoint, no problem.
3. Did the quest Puzzle of the Pass, no problem.
4. Did the quest The Lightless Remnant, here is where the problem arose. Half way along, after talking to Verandis and told to enter the Doomcrag, upon entering we ended up in 2 different instances. One with 4 and other with 1. One person in the first instance went back out the door and upon reentering, was in the 2nd instance with the one that was originally alone. For the rest of the quests we stayed split into 2 instances til we got to the very end where we needed to talked to Darien Gautier, and Gwendis, then we were back together in 1 instance where could see each other again.
This has happened numerous times on different quests. Some we can do together fine, others we end up like listed above, split into 2 instances somewhere during the quests.
Any ideas why and how can fix it?