Let’s discuss whether an annual fishing event would be welcome in-game. My most important suggestions for the developers are
1) It should not increase the drop rate of rare fish as this would devalue the Master Angler tittle, but some people may choose to pursue this achievement during the event because more people will be fishing.
2) Do not make it an obligatory grindfest. The rewards for some events are so good that many players feel they have to do nothing else (the anniversary event and dungeon event are good examples). Other events are less popular and are just a grind for specific rare drops (e.g. Jester and Halloween events) or a chance to get double XP by clicking a memento.
So I suggest the proposed fishing event is done fundamentally differently from other events. The rewards should be scaled back, and perhaps should be achievement/token based, so if people really want the best reward they can be sure they will earn it without the frustrations of RNG loot tables. To distinguish this event from the XP grinds I think any XP buff should be tied to actually fishing rather than using a memento, and by giving rewards not usually associated with other events. Here is what I would think would be fun.
When fishing during the event there is a chance to spawn a group of monsters at a fishing hole – the game has loads of semi-aquatic beasties that could be used for this. The number and strength of the monsters should be tied to the number of people fishing there, so solo anglers and groups all have a good chance of beating the monster(s). Participating in one of these special monster fights activates the traditional double XP buff (although perhaps not 2 hours), so people who just want the xp will have a quick fish before going out to do their own thing.
Defeating a monster in a base game zone will be one of the “Holiday event” achievements. The best rewards could be tied to defeating one of these fishing monsters in each zone of a faction, and every base game zone. Other achievements could be to catch x fish during the event, or to fillet y fish.
I suggest the event achievements could give rewards linked to personal development and personal reflection, as my stereotype of fishing is that it is a peaceful period of reflection and a time to consider changes.
Possible rewards for achievements from best to worst (one per character, bound to character as appropriate)
Extra outfit slot? (I’m worried this one is too good)
Outfit change token
Name change token
Race change token
Skill respec scroll
Attribute respec scroll
Additionally, if you catch a rare fish (the fish you need for each zone’s fishing achievements) then you could also get a new container only available during the event. These would contain minor rewards like additional bait and maybe other things that would develop characters like provisioning recipes, furniture crafting plans and perhaps rarely dye stamps or 1-day research scrolls. The idea is that these modest rewards are a nice bonus for fishing, and not the whole point of fishing during the event. The usual fishing rewards would still be available at the usual drop rate; include the moamer motif.
So I would like to hear anyone else’s thoughts on a way to encourage players to have a go at fishing, but in a way that doesn’t devalue the achievements of Master Anglers, and doesn’t shake up all of ESO’s economy by giving very valuable rewards.
If you would like to see a fishing event then just post anything so the idea stays around the front of the forums. Thanks for reading.
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