Hello, I'm a returning stamina nightblade and I haven't played in a long long time.
I'm not fussed about being the best DPS in the world but I want high DPS but good survivability as I solo a lot. I'm currently a 2H and Bow build as Im finding 2handed skills useful to survive like Brawler and Rally. This is my starter build for now with 0 trials complete and 300 champion points.
Race: redguard
Gear, all divine and stamina enchant
Helm: Velidreth,medium
Shoulders: Velidreth,medium
Gloves: mechanical acuity,medium
Chest:mechanical acuity,heavy
Waist:mechanical acuity,medium
Legs:mechanical acuity, medium
Boots: Briarheart,medium
Ring: Briarheart, wep damage enchant
Ring: briarheart, wep damage enchant
Neck: Briarheart, wep damage enchant
Front bar: briarheart greatsword,infused
Back bar: mechanical acuity bow,nirn
Both weps have weapon damage enchants
Front bar: suprise attack, killer, brawler, rally, relentless focus, flawless dawnbreaker
Back bar: poison injection, endless hail, rearming trap, razor caltrop, leeching strikes, incapacitating strike
Am I playing all wrong with this build? If so does anyone have any tips to make it better? I don't feel I'm trial ready yet and I'm thinking hear from the trials will help me but I'm looking for tips to get me trial ready.
Thanks in advance.
Edited by Bingeee on May 2, 2018 5:07PM