How do I make Master Merchant perform better?

I have had MM for a long, long time so my database has just grown over time.

The performance is so bad for me that on the one character I have it enabled, when I first log-in the character just freezes or has FPS in the single digits until the report is done. Even then, the performance on that one character is always lower than on the ones where I have it turned off.

Looking for any tips and tricks for making it perform better... if they exist.
  • VaranisArano
    I set my scan frequency to be less often, limit my sales history size, and have my sales focus only set for 10 days.

    Mind you, 10 days works for me because I sell crafting mats and reagents, so prices don't fluctuate that much nor are sales of those items rare.
  • imrilaoi
    Could try Arkadius' Trade Tools:

    Has most of the same functionality, but doesn't seem to have nearly the performance impact.
  • vovus69
    I also have to use arkadius tools - MM is very slow to load data and hang up the whole game eventually. Arkadius also has issues - for example it has no material costs and the length of history is not manageable, just 30 days, but at least it is not crashing my game...

    "If I'll need your opinion, I'll give one to you" - Rivenspire
  • Iselin

    Well I took drastic action and deleted MM and all the variables and then re-installed it. Lost all my old data of course but the performance is much better... for now. I'll see how long that lasts.
  • sylviermoone
    If you haven't turned on the delay initialization setting, you're going to have problems as your data set grows.

    The good news is we're making this the default state of MM with the Summerset update.
    Co-GM, Angry Unicorn Traders: PC/NA
    "Official" Master Merchant Tech Support
    and Differently Geared AF
  • Juhasow
    You can reduce the time of stored data in MM down to desired amount of days.
  • Iselin
    Juhasow wrote: »
    You can reduce the time of stored data in MM down to desired amount of days.

    I did do that a long time ago (as well as turning on init delay) but it seemed to me that did not limit the growth of the data, just how many days of it is used to calculate and display.

    Like I said, only taking the drastic action of deleting it and reinstalling it seemed to do the trick for me for now.

    I don't think that setting discards older data.
  • sylviermoone
    Iselin wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    You can reduce the time of stored data in MM down to desired amount of days.

    I did do that a long time ago (as well as turning on init delay) but it seemed to me that did not limit the growth of the data, just how many days of it is used to calculate and display.

    Like I said, only taking the drastic action of deleting it and reinstalling it seemed to do the trick for me for now.

    I don't think that setting discards older data.

    Well, it does also depend on the min/max item count setting, too. Like, if an item is super slow moving and you have the min item count at 5, MM will save 5 sales, regardless of how long ago they happened, or if you have a max of say, 100 sales, it will kick sales over 100 our of the data even if it hasn't reached your 30 day threshold.

    Curious as to what computer setup you have. I don't have these issues with MM.
    Edited by sylviermoone on May 20, 2018 4:18PM
    Co-GM, Angry Unicorn Traders: PC/NA
    "Official" Master Merchant Tech Support
    and Differently Geared AF
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