You know what would be great? If ZOS took this approach to the Crown Store...

...even though it's probably pretty unlikely:

Still, this is directly relevant, because Warframe used pretty much identical artificial scarcity techniques - albeit at least with their artificial scarcity system you could at least be certain you'd get the thing you want when they brought it back, as opposed to having to gamble for it. So... there's definitely a better way out there. Including asking what your customers would like to buy.
  • mikejezz
    Gambling means more money.
  • OrdoHermetica
    mikejezz wrote: »
    Gambling means more money.

    In the short term, yeah. Though as Jim points out in several of his videos (and though I have mixed feelings on him as a media critic, I tend to agree based on my experiences in marketing and community management), customer loyalty is, in the long term, worth more than its weight in gold. It's certainly worth more than the short-term monetary value of gambling boxes. There's a reason gambling boxes are by and large starting to be pared back or abandoned by major gaming publishers, and it has very little to do with anything other than the bottom line.

    Turns out treating your customers well results in them continuing to spend money on your products, whereas treating them poorly, while effective in the short term, tends to backfire in the long term. Who would have thought?
  • Tholian1
    I would fall out of my chair from shock if we were asked what we wanted from the CS and at what price point we were willing to pay for those items.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • OrdoHermetica
    Tholian1 wrote: »
    I would fall out of my chair from shock if we were asked what we wanted from the CS and at what price point we were willing to pay for those items.

    Yeah... me too. But it's nice to dream! And also, good to remind ZOS (and others on the forums) that there are, in fact, other options. Options being pursued by successful companies.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Tholian1 wrote: »
    I would fall out of my chair from shock if we were asked what we wanted from the CS and at what price point we were willing to pay for those items.

    ...and then I would get back up, give it some quick hard thought and give them a number and a whole list of ideas to sell to me. I would then post:
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