Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

[PvE][End-game Trials]Hellfire Dominion is recruiting for vet trials!


Asian here, and I am one of the raid leads for the guild Hellfire Dominion. We are a social PvE guild with a focus on end-game content and community events. We are currently recruiting individuals who are interested in joining our vet trial team(s)!

Hellfire Dominion has cleared all the Craglorn HM trials, vMaw, vHoF, and vAS, and we are currently working on cleaning up Halls and progressing through the various vAS + 1 fights.

We are not just looking for individuals who can perform at a high level, but also individuals who are committed, respectful, and helpful; we would rather take someone with lower DPS who is committed to attending raids and improving themselves while helping others over someone who can pull very high DPS but is flaky and disrespectful.

If you are interested in joining our team, please send @soph88ie, @T3hasiangod, or @Amasuriel an in-game message.

Raider Description and Requirements

Our Raider team is focused primarily on improving their performance. They will primarily be attending the vet Craglorn trials (vAA, vHRC, and vSO) and will progress through those hard mode runs as the raid lead deems fit. They will also be running vAS and vCR. Raiders who have shown commitment and good performance may be asked to fill in for leaderboard runs or for vMaw or vHoF runs as needed.

Raiders are expected to attend our vet trials at least twice a month. Raiders will be running on Saturday from 9pm to 11pm Eastern, with the occasional mid-week raid mixed in from time to time. Raiders who do not meet this requirement may be subject to demotion without warning. If a Raider is unable to attend for an extended period of time, they should contact one of the raid leaders.

The minimum CP to be a Raider is 300. Each Raider is required to run a vet DLC dungeon with at least one of the raid leaders for each role they intend to bring. That means if you want to bring a tank or a healer to a run, you must run a vet DLC dungeon on both your tank and your healer.

Each individual role’s requirements are listed below.


For stamina, 32k self-buffed on a 6mil dummy (Major Fracture can be provided). For magicka, 28k self-buffed on a 6mil dummy (Major Breach + Minor Magickasteal can be provided). Parses should be sent to @soph88ie, @T3hasiangod, or @Amasuriel, with debuffs and buffs shown. You may use the Lover Mundus as a stamina DPS, but not as a magicka DPS. Magicka Sorcerers and Wardens are expected to provide a non-pet parse that meets this criteria as well. Magicka DPS need to be able to run Efficient Purge and Crushing Shock. For their DLC dungeon test, survivability and situational awareness will be assessed.


Healers must be able to communicate on our Discord voice channels. They must be able to wear SPC and Worm/Mending. Olorime is not required, but highly recommended. They must be able to use Efficient Purge, Energy Orbs, and Aggressive Warhorn. For their DLC dungeon test, they should be able to maintain at least 50 percent uptime on Combat Prayer and SPC. In addition, resource management via Shards/Orbs will be considered.


Tanks must be able to communicate on our Discord voice channels. They must be able to wear Ebon and Torug's Pact with a CP160 Legendary Crusher enchant. Alkosh is not required, but highly recommended. Tanks must be able to wear Lord Warden or Blood Spawn. They must be able to use Efficient Purge and Aggressive Warhorn. For their DLC dungeon test, they should be able to maintain at least a 50 percent uptime on Crusher and Heroic Slash. In addition, the ability to maintain taunt and group adds will be considered.
Edited by T3hasiangod on June 16, 2018 3:42AM
PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

Youtube - Twitch
  • T3hasiangod
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • T3hasiangod
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • T3hasiangod

    We're looking for a ranged DPS that meets the Vanguard requirement that is available on Sunday nights from 7pm to 10pm for a vHoF HM progression team.
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • caravaggio
    Soul Shriven
    Sent you an ingame mail. I am a MagSorc DPS interested in the guild.
  • T3hasiangod

    Our Vanguard team is now available as an invite-only/promotion basis from our Raider rank. We are also looking for ranged DPS to join our Raider team, and eventually to our Vanguard (score) team.
    Edited by T3hasiangod on May 12, 2018 3:36AM
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • T3hasiangod

    We are looking primarily for ranged DPS and tanks! We have a glut of melee DPS right now.
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • T3hasiangod
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • T3hasiangod
    We're looking for tanks and DPS! Please contact me if you'd like to join.
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • stilloutparsesyou
    hey, do yal have an core that raid on aussie time?
  • T3hasiangod
    Sorry, we don't. Most of our core members play in the Americas.
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
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