In ESO I have never really got the feeling of knowing at what point my button press will be recognized. So I guess we just spam the button.
To me it feels like lack of control and precision of use.
In games that have a good ergonomic implementation of the controls, you always know that the press was accepted by the game and will be executed, and you get clear feedback if that is not the case.
In ESO, I press the button, and there is no feedback, no indicator. It feels like I just click into the void, spamming the keys. It feels indirect and unprecise. Getting a click rhythm for light attack is not an easy flow, so instead I just click multiple times. I feel disconnected from the character. Somehow the controls are somewhere between your standard MMO with cooldowns (like WoW) where you press once, and get clear feedback through the hotbar (cooldown) that it worked (some games also remember the button press for a while and it gets queued at the end of the actual action being executed) and an action RPG on the other side (like Diablo, Torchlight, etc) where it is more direct. Yet ESO is without the good Diablo-style GUI / UX feedback. Though even in Diablo you can keep the button pressed at one enemy, and your character keeps attacking. However, using an ability in Diablo also gives you clear GUI feedback that it has worked.
For a game that is so many years out there, I would really expect more polish in an area that you use 90% of the game-play. For years there are changes to numbers, changes to balancing, changes to skill effects. There is theory crafting and all that. But what about the basic "feel". To me it is not tripleA. Combat in ESO (ability activation and light attacks in particular) just feels low quality in terms of "ergonomic" and "habtic" UX feedback.