Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Just bought summerset collection edition cannot play base game as stated.

I have the game on disc, I originally pre ordered the summerset upgrade but refunded the pre order to change to the collectors edition, so that I can just play digitally without the disc, but I cannot neither play without the disc, nor do I have an option to download the base game as stated:

"Pre-purchase The Elder Scrolls® Online: Summerset™ Collector's Edition and start playing the full base game right now"

advice please.
Do I need to delete everything from my PS4 first?
  • sudaki_eso
    You have to install the digital version. Guild mate had the same problem, after deleting the disc version and installing the digital version it was working.
    Edited by sudaki_eso on April 26, 2018 9:36AM
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • Stinkyremy
    sudaki_eso wrote: »
    You have to install the digital version. Guild mate had the same problem, after deleting the disc version and installing the digital version it was working.

    Doesn't give me an option to download it though. Do I have to delete disc edition first? if so, where do I find the download for ESO base game from, because as it is now, all I have in my library is eso summerset pre order, which just takes me to a pre order countdown.

    I'm gonna wait for a ZOS mod to comment.
    If not I will start a support ticket
    I really don't want to delete and redownload the entire game just to find out I can't actually download the base game from PSN.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner

    Take out the disc

    Navigate to PSN Store


    Type, 'The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited' (just The Elder Scrolls Online works, look for the Tamriel Unlimited)

    Try downloading from that. I too am also seeing the lock on the Summerset DLC stuff, however, when I installed ESO onto my brand new PS4 Pro, I navigated to the Tamriel Unlimited version and downloaded it from there overnight while it was in Rest Mode.

    ETA was ~4 hours(hardwired ethernet cable). Went to bed at 12am, woke up at 6, the PS4 said it finished at 4am.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on April 26, 2018 3:58PM
  • Stinkyremy

    Type, 'The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited' (just The Elder Scrolls Online works, look for the Tamriel Unlimited)

    Try downloading from that.

    Thing is there is no more 'The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited' there is only morrwind, the collection, and summerset.
    all of which apart from summerset collectors says "unable to purchase" with a tell me more tab that says "because I own summerset collection.
    then as stated above, going to the summerset collection and clicking on it just leads me to a coundown timer.

    it's a conundrum.
    I really don't want to have to delete my already installed ESO just to find out I am locked out of the base game until the release date of summerset.
    I doubt ZOS would mislead with the marketing, but I need some official advice on what is the deal here before I uninstall the base game.
  • Stinkyremy
    Gonna bump this 1 more time before doing a support ticket.
    Sure would be nice to get a simple confirmation from a mod here rather than having to bother customer support.
  • ZOS_Bill

    As mentioned in the thread earlier, you will need to uninstall what you currently have and re-install from the digital version you've purchased. You should be able to locate the install from the PSN store.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Stinkyremy
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    As mentioned in the thread earlier, you will need to uninstall what you currently have and re-install from the digital version you've purchased. You should be able to locate the install from the PSN store.

    Thank you.
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