I had pretty good luck during the anniversary event and was able to make a lot of progress towards learning motifs on my crafter. So much so, in fact, that I decided to use the windfall of motifs to complete them all. I sold all my extras and systematically started buying up every one I was missing. I was pretty much breaking even...selling duplicates for what I spent in new ones. Last night, I finished all but one. Other than the crown store motifs, I was exactly one page from learning them all.
That page is going to be the death of me.
I'm using TTC to find them, which alone is an act of frustration and futility (I have no idea how that data can be SO wrong...but whatever). Where TTC usually shows 8+ pages of a motif, it only shows 1 page for this one. So pickings are slim. Every few minutes for the past few days I check TTC. If one pops up, I head there, and it's gone. regardless of price.
Until this morning. I FINALLY found one and for a fairly reasonable price. As luck would have it, I'm on a character that doesn't have enough gold. I switch characters and head back to that merchant. Yup...GONE.
(and, no, I'm not going to say what motif as the last thing I need is yet another person hunting it)
Edited by krachall on April 25, 2018 3:26PM