First of all, yay \m/ !!
I know, I know, some may say their crafter deals more damage, but yeah, couple of weeks ago I was stamNooB with 10-12k dps and no clue about rotation\weaving. And now I reached my first goal - 25k dps point. So yeah, be proud of me (and thanks as you helped me with the build in mah previous topic)!
What I wanted yo ask you is... how far am I pushing this particular build to it's limits? Do not get me wrong, I am farming gear to advance in my gearset, but I wanna know how effective am I with current one. So what is the approximate dps cap in this case? Some additional info:

All enchants are legendary quality. Armor - max. magicka, jewelry - spell damage, 1st weapon - fire damage ench., 2nd weapon - weapon damage ench. Both weapons are infused. My average ping is 150-200.
I wouldn't make separate topic for this, but since there are no Q&A I actually did that.
Thanks in advance, guys.
Edited by The_Tarantian on April 24, 2018 7:13PM
Erin Go Bragh, Erin go Braugh !
It's Irish for "you're ***".