VaranisArano wrote: »There's very little in this game that hurts my feelings, but a great deal that causes me temporary feelings of great annoyance.
I greatly dislike seeing fake tanks refuse to hold aggro and then berate their newbie/lowbie group members for struggling to deal with the boss. I will call that **** out every time.
MajesticHaruki wrote: »It's not bad to kick someone with low cp as long as you explain them first that their current level and setup is not fitting for hardmode velidreth. Zos acknowledged this and from summerset all vet dlc dungeons will have a 300cp requirement.
MajesticHaruki wrote: »It's not bad to kick someone with low cp as long as you explain them first that their current level and setup is not fitting for hardmode velidreth. Zos acknowledged this and from summerset all vet dlc dungeons will have a 300cp requirement.
asuitandtyb14_ESO wrote: »Is this serious? Do your feelings actually get hurt by an online game?
asuitandtyb14_ESO wrote: »Is this serious? Do your feelings actually get hurt by an online game?
My feelings get hurt when certain actions are taken by other players but not by the game.
I get annoyed when you ask a question in Zone chat and randoms say "IDK" or offer up some useless Troll BS...
I'm like "Okay, STFU plz..."
Nothing really pisses me off or hurts my feelings. I laugh at people who rage because it takes some serious energy that I just do not have to get so worked up over little pixel people's interactions.
Also, Noobs shouldn't be running Vet dungeons and tough stuff IMO. You get the same EXP for normals and you wont even be able to keep the gear until you hit 160... So no, I have no patience for that stuff.
MajesticHaruki wrote: »It's not bad to kick someone with low cp as long as you explain them first that their current level and setup is not fitting for hardmode velidreth. Zos acknowledged this and from summerset all vet dlc dungeons will have a 300cp requirement.
Oh, really? So people with less than 300CP can't queue?
I know this is supposed to be a joke thread but....
People removing someone based purely on their CP or Level is perfectly 100% the only single thing that actually bothers me, unless it's the stupidity of other people. I've seen extreme examples of this and same goes for new players being kicked for asking something despite performing well.
As far as bullying goes.... What? It's a game, how can anyone even bully you? Ignore them and forget them? What.... I mean i'm sure some people feel threatened and bullied and stuff in this game but that's so ridiculous.
If you feel like you're being griefed in ESO, go play Archeage for a bit. Spend a ton of time working for something then have your sorry butt killed by your own group leader and your stuff stolen then being laughed at. Go try to take something across the sea only to be ambushed by people 10x better geared than you sending you some interesting messages.
VaranisArano wrote: »MajesticHaruki wrote: »It's not bad to kick someone with low cp as long as you explain them first that their current level and setup is not fitting for hardmode velidreth. Zos acknowledged this and from summerset all vet dlc dungeons will have a 300cp requirement.
Oh, really? So people with less than 300CP can't queue?
Can't queue for Vet DLC dungeons, correct. They can still manually enter the dungeon with a group, so they arent completely locked out.
From the PTS patch notes:
The Following Dungeons have been adjusted to require CP300 in order to queue using the Activity Finder:
Veteran Bloodroot Forge
Veteran Cradle of Shadows
Veteran Falkreath Hold
Veteran Fang Lair
Veteran Imperial City Prison
Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun
Veteran Scalecaller Peak
Veteran White-Gold Tower
I know this is supposed to be a joke thread but....
People removing someone based purely on their CP or Level is perfectly 100% the only single thing that actually bothers me, unless it's the stupidity of other people. I've seen extreme examples of this and same goes for new players being kicked for asking something despite performing well.
As far as bullying goes.... What? It's a game, how can anyone even bully you? Ignore them and forget them? What.... I mean i'm sure some people feel threatened and bullied and stuff in this game but that's so ridiculous.
If you feel like you're being griefed in ESO, go play Archeage for a bit. Spend a ton of time working for something then have your sorry butt killed by your own group leader and your stuff stolen then being laughed at. Go try to take something across the sea only to be ambushed by people 10x better geared than you sending you some interesting messages.
This is not intended to be a joke thread.
I know this is supposed to be a joke thread but....
People removing someone based purely on their CP or Level is perfectly 100% the only single thing that actually bothers me, unless it's the stupidity of other people. I've seen extreme examples of this and same goes for new players being kicked for asking something despite performing well.
As far as bullying goes.... What? It's a game, how can anyone even bully you? Ignore them and forget them? What.... I mean i'm sure some people feel threatened and bullied and stuff in this game but that's so ridiculous.
If you feel like you're being griefed in ESO, go play Archeage for a bit. Spend a ton of time working for something then have your sorry butt killed by your own group leader and your stuff stolen then being laughed at. Go try to take something across the sea only to be ambushed by people 10x better geared than you sending you some interesting messages.
This is not intended to be a joke thread.
Yeah right xD There is NO WAY IN HELL this is serious. People are not this sensitive... At least i hope... I can't believe it.
ForsakenSin wrote: »
Having said that...... here are things that annoy me
1)Tank taking the boss out of my aoe's and ult aoes
2) Doing Vet pugs with people who are stoned or drunk ( don't care what you do IRL but i don't need to listen to your incoherent rambling and no im not going to waste soul gems on you because you can't see red)
3) Player "WTS (insert item) " how much" ? player "mke ofa " me places a offer which i think its fair.." player" LOL LOL LOL yo r stpid diz sels 4 xk gold" .... me thinking to my self then why did you ask for offers?
VaranisArano wrote: »MajesticHaruki wrote: »It's not bad to kick someone with low cp as long as you explain them first that their current level and setup is not fitting for hardmode velidreth. Zos acknowledged this and from summerset all vet dlc dungeons will have a 300cp requirement.
Oh, really? So people with less than 300CP can't queue?
Can't queue for Vet DLC dungeons, correct. They can still manually enter the dungeon with a group, so they arent completely locked out.
From the PTS patch notes:
The Following Dungeons have been adjusted to require CP300 in order to queue using the Activity Finder:
Veteran Bloodroot Forge
Veteran Cradle of Shadows
Veteran Falkreath Hold
Veteran Fang Lair
Veteran Imperial City Prison
Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun
Veteran Scalecaller Peak
Veteran White-Gold Tower