Hey all,
It's time to show you my PVE Bow/Bow Build. It sounds weird and you may think it's never viable, but i can show you the opposite. I tried it in many dungeons and i try to improve this build every day. Last year i started the character and nowadays it's my main char, because this build is different from the meta and it makes a lot of fun to play.
The Mundus Stone:
Considering the Mundus Stone you have only 2 real options:
- The Warrior (trials, dungeons,.....)
- The Lover (Solo stuff)
All the other Mundus Stones weren't good enough to compete with lover or warrior.
The Race:
I tested
all races on this build and some of them had very good DPS numbers but the BIS-race for this build is:
- Bosmer (21% stamreg - believe me you need this)
Other good choices would be:
- Khajiit (crit chance)
- Redguard (only if you use Killer's Blade)
The Class:
Most of you would think it is a warden, but i tested all 5 classes with a variety of different sets and
Nightblade had the most DPS output on a Bow/Bow build.
The Sets:
It was a very hard task to figure out the best sets for this build. But after a lot of DPS-tests it was clear,
Arms of Relequen and
Twice-Fanged-Serpent are the best choices.
In some boss fights, you cannot use the full potential of relequen. Therefore us the set Hundings Rage. But apart from this you need both the Maelstrom Bow and the Master Bow to get good DPS numbers. These are not easy to get. For the beginners: You can finish both of these arenas without Maelstrom Bow and Master Bow with these Item constellations:
- Twice-Fanged-Serpent ( Sanctum Ophidia---jewellery and 2 set pieces)
- Hunding's Rage ( Crafted Set / needs 6 traits---4 set pieces and the bows)
- Velidreth/Molag Kena (Undaunted Dailies---Shoulder)
The traits are all divine on armor and nirnhoned on both bows. On jewellery use 1 infused and 2 robust. For the glyphs the best option is:
- armor pieces / stamina glyph
- Maelstrom Bow (front bar) / glyph doesn't matter, you use poisons on front bar
- Master Bow (back bar) / increased weapon damage
- necklace / increased weapon damage
- rings / increased weapon damage
Instead of the poisons, you could use a infused Maelstrom Bow with a poison glyph, but the damage will be less.
The Skills:
In this build you need a main spammable skill:
SNIPE. Maybe it sounds weird, because of the channel time but on my DPS-tests it did like 22%-24% of my overall DPS.
Front Bar:
- Focused Aim (Snipe+minor fracture)
- Relentless Focus
- Channeled Acceleration
- Endless Hail
- Evil Hunter (extra crit)
- Ult: Flawless Dawnbreaker
Back Bar:
- Poisen Injection
- Leeching Strikes
- if you stand at the boss use Killer's Blade (insane damage boost in execute phase) and Reaper's Mark for the ranged version ( gives 25% damage boost when marked enemy is killed/ always mark trash mobs in boss fights). Reaper's Mark can be replaced with Resolving Vigor if needed.
- Razing Caltrops
- Evil Hunter
- Ult: Ballista
For the rota: try to keep all AoE's and DoT's running and weave light attacks between the skills. (for the bow passive Hawk Eye). In the time between your AoE's and DoT's try to spam Focused Aim.
CP780 version:
- 56 Mooncalf (Lover)
- 76 Tenacity (Lover)
- 51 Tumbling (Shadow)
- 37 Shadow Ward (Shadow)
- 40 Warlord (Tower)
- 72 Master-at-Arms (Atronach)
- 48 Thaumaturge (Ritual)
- 51 Precise Strikes (Ritual)
- 56 Mighty (Ritual)
- 33 piercing (Ritual)
- 81 Iron Clad (Steed)
- 23 Spell Shield (Steed)
- 51 Thick Skinned (Lady)
- 56 Hardy (Lady)
- 49 Elemental Defender (Lady)
The advantage of this build is to have a mixed DPS between MagDD and StamDD. The Raidleaders can put you in a melee (Killer's Blade) or a ranged (Reaper's Mark or Resolving Vigor) spot.
Also with a ranged stamina build it is quite easy keeping up the relequen stacks
Buffood used: Increased Health and Stamina.
Potions used: Weapon Damage, Stamina and Movement Speed (Major Savagery is already up/Evil Hunter)
Poisons used: Double Damage Poison
Yeah you listen right, no dubious Camoran Throne! Because this buffood would not give you enough life to be viable in trials.
This is my viable Bow/Bow build for trials.
If there are any further questions feel free to leave them in the comment section below.
Thanks for your attention.