I have a stamblade using 5 Sheer venom, 5 Vicecanon, 2 Velidreth, dual weld Vice daggers, bow. Dual weld skills Killer blade's, Surprise attack... Bow skills Poison injection. The others skills can be talked about if needed. My problem is I'm not seeing the accumulated damage of the Execute, that would come from the skill and set example my KB says 4373 dmg, then 300% more if the target hp is below 25%, for a possible dps of 15k, Sheer Venom says it will do 10k over 6 seconds,Velidreth says it's spores will do13k to the 1st enemy my KB could 1 shot targets 30k and below not seeing it. I can 1 shot targets 30k and below with Surprise attack. Poison injevtion appears to be nerfed it's not hitting any where nesr the numbrrs I calc with it's dmg and Sheer Ven and Vel I should 1 *** targets at or below 30k but no.
Edited by jlopes151 on April 22, 2018 11:25AM