Building on my math here where I examined the cost of instantly mastering blacksmithing, clothing, and woodworking research:
(FYI: its about 300,000+ crowns or around $2000 in non-sale price crowns)
I decided to look at Jewelry crafting.
This math assumes several things that are not necessarily true.
A. The person buying scrolls has all of the necessary traits available for research (ZOS intends this acquisition process to be grindy and require different types of content)
B. The person buying scrolls will have the Jewelry passive for jewelry research maxed before starting any research (most players, I suspect will start research before they have maxed.)
But if these two things are accepted as true, someone could instantly pay to become a master jewelry researcher as follows:
Crown Store Research Scrolls
The Crown Store Research Scrolls come in 1, 7 and 15 day versions. They do not have a cooldown.
1 day scrolls - 400 Crowns
7 day scrolls - 2500 Crowns
15 day scrolls - 5000 crowns
Again you have the option to waste time on scrolls. Since this one involved much less math to find an optimal use of scrolls, I went ahead and did both options.
1 trait - wait 4.5 hours or 1 1-day scroll
2 trait - wait 9 hours or 1 1-day scroll
3 trait - wait 18 hours or 1 1-day scroll
4 trait - wait 12 hours and 1 1-day scroll or 2 1-day scrolls
5 trait - 3 1-day scrolls
6 trait - 6 1-day scrolls
7 trait - 1 7-day scroll and 5 1-day scrolls (ESO+ gets 1 7-day scroll and 4 1-day scrolls)
8 trait - 1 15-day scroll, 1 7-day scroll and 2 1-day scrolls (ESO+ gets 1 15-day scroll and 1 7-day scroll)
9 trait - 2 15-day scrolls (ESO+ gets 1 15-day scroll, 1 7 day scroll and 5 1-day scrolls)
So the cost in scrolls for 1 Cycle is either:
Patient People Price: wait 43.5 hours and 17 1-day scrolls, 2 7-day scrolls, and 3 15-day scrolls.
Impatient People Price: 21 1-day scrolls, 2 7-day scrolls, and 3 15-day scrolls
ESO+: wait 36 hrs 45 min and 19 1-day scrolls, 3 7-day scrolls, 2 15 day scrolls OR 23 1-day scrolls, 3 7-day scrolls, 2 15-day scrolls.
Total Cost for all researching is thus: (2 times waiting, 2 total cycles for necklaces and rings separately)
Patient People: Wait 87 hours (4 days) and 34 1-day scrolls, 4 7-day scrolls, and 6 15-day scrolls = 53,600 Crowns
Impatient People: 42 1-day scrolls, 4 7-day scrolls, and 6 15-day scrolls = 56,800 crowns
Patient ESO +: wait 73 hours 30 minute (slightly over 3 days), 38 1-day scrolls, 6 7-day scrolls, 4 15-day scrolls = 50,200 Crowns (possibly a little lower depending on how patient they are on some of the later traits)
Impatient ESO+: 46 1-day scrolls, 6 7-day scrolls, 4 15-day scrolls = 53,400 Crowns
1. Unlike the established crafts of blacksmithing, clothing, and woodworking, its going to be much harder to simply buy your way to all nine traits because of the way traits jewelry is acquired and the grindy nature of leveling jewelry crafting.
2. Once someone does have all the traited jewelry acquired for research, it will cost approx. 50-55K crowns to purchase the necessary jewelry research scrolls.
3. Depending on how many crowns you need and which packs you buy, you'd pay roughly between $364 to $400 to "instantly" become a master jewelry researcher. (PC/NA non sale prices)
As usual, if I've screwed up my math or misunderstood something, please feel free to point it out politely. As I've noted, some of the numbers of scrolls or exact cost might differ slightly if you choose to research items a little differently than I did when doing the math. There is more information on how I set this up on the post I linked, so if you have questions about it, please ask or check over there as well.
Finally, I don't myself have a strong opinion on whether or not this constitutes Pay-To-Win. I just like math and find it helpful to know the actual numbers. I find it very interesting to know the cost of become a Jewelry researcher with crowns is about $360-$400. That's certainly more than I want to pay, but if you so desire or you want to complain, now you know the cost.