I rolled a new character in Skyrim...

Seriously though, I haven't played Skyrim since way back when it launched in 2011 and played a lot thru 2012. However, I never did play the Dragonborn DLC and always meant to get around to it. So I just recently decided to jump into Skyrim remastered. I'm a Nord wearing heavy Stalhrim armor, carrying a 2H battleaxe and casting ice spells from my hands. It's freaking epic. And it got me thinking...
I love the fact that you can wield non-staff weapons (axes, swords, mauls, etc) and still do a ton of elemental damage. Would love to see this in ESO, though I'm unsure on how it would get balanced. But one thing I really like in Skyrim is how Stalhrim gear grants a bonus to frost damage and frost resist enchantments. ESO could implement something similar so that one specific crafted set grants an elemental bonus to enchantments (even more feasible now that crafted jewelry is coming), then you could have stamina/weapon damage builds take full advantage of using ice/fire/shock on weapons to maximum effect. Perhaps elemental damage should not be tied to max magicka, and poison/disease not tied to stamina. Staff builds could focus on magic damage, 2H/DW builds could focus on weapon damage, and then both could benefit from elemental damage through gear/enchants. I'd still love to see Nords gain a racial passive bonus to frost damage, and then be able to place frost enchants on their weapons which gets boosted even further if you craft one specific set (like Stalhrim). You could also see staff wielding magicka DD's dropping something like a poison "wall of elements". Would add a ton of variety to builds. On this board though, variety means diversity to some, homogenization to others.
Anyway, my $0.02 while playing thru Skyrim again. I'm sure balancing would be extremely difficult but it's fun to think about. Oh, and inb4 "this isn't skyrim". thanks, captain obvious

but things can and do change in this game and I think it's always good to think outside the box on ways to improve the game.