When would be best to sell motifs? At the end of the event? Last day? Or in a month from the event?
Worm cult prices seem to have dropped now... I'm not sure how much Buoyant Armiger pieces are worth and nobody seems to want to buy any. Got a lot of other motifs too (let me know if you need anything) but I'm not sure how to get rid... got guild store full, not much selling.
Don't understand how people are making posts saying they've made millions!
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."
Current Toons (Max CP):
Magsorc Breton
Magblade Darkelf
Stam DK Redguard
Healer Templar High Elf
Tank DK Argonian
Stamblade Redguard
Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA