Was discussing some guild stuff and, while messing about, I randomly turned invisible in a duel.
Some of the details I noticed are that I can still attack and do damage to the opposite player. They can't target me but they can cast AOEs to do some damage. Barely any visuals appeared of my character, but when i roll-dodged I could see the little effects for the dodge CD. There's no way to remove it as far as I could tell; I had to leave Craglorn to have my character back.
I'm not sure what effect caused this. Maybe I approached the wayshrine and this loaded me into a new "instance"? Or I was feared and somehow this screwed with my character.
Either way, some people on PC EU are getting reported/video evidence of this. I think some bans might be thrown out unfairly, or some exploiters might try this.
Very athletic eso player