Impossible to hit stamblades

Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.
  • Apoxsee
    How many does this make now? You know, complaints about NB’s. I play every class and while I will agree nb along with a few other class specs are stronger than some atm they are no where near as bad as you try to describe. If they are so great may I suggest that you play one and then post the greatest 1vx videos to show just how great they are.
  • josiahva
    they do roll dodge, yes, and dodge some attacks, but its nowhere near as bad as you say. Shock clench is your will find stam blades much less dangerous with that spell...or either of the two other destro varieties for that matter, knock them down for a second or two and they melt
  • Thogard
    The nightblades are turning on each other!
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    Surely you could have voiced this concern (I'm pretty sure you already have) in one of the litany of other NB threads.
  • Sergykid
    nerf sorc NB
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    learn to play, we cant dodge forever.
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    learn to play, we cant dodge forever.

    The rollerblades i keep fighting every day can dodge forever. And its getting annoying.

    As ranged magblade you just cant hit them.
  • Voxicity
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    learn to play, we cant dodge forever.

    The rollerblades i keep fighting every day can dodge forever. And its getting annoying.

    As ranged magblade you just cant hit them.

    Snare them with cripple, lotus fan

    I can garuntee if you pop a destro ult and spam lotus fan you'll kill 90% of stamblades
  • Sting864
    MOAR NB Dodge abilities!!
  • ErMurazor
    Another nerf stamblade thread. Come and see all the duels taking place in Summerset PTS and u will see VERY few nightblades. Thoose that occasionally do a duel get fisted hard by all the magdks sword and board leapers out there. Do i start thread after thread how OP magdks are in duels no. I understand that they are hardcounter to my build and try to adjust fighting one as best as i can. stop this whining already its getting old.
  • Juju_beans
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    I suggest you post this in the "PVP COMBAT & SKILLS" subforum so that other pvp players can give you some suggestions on how to change your pvp combat skills to get better.
  • Koensol
    Mimimimimimimimi... Sorry, couldn't make anything else from this thread when it complains about something every stamina class in medium armor is capable of. But hey lets QQ about nbs because it is the what all the cool kids do.
  • Ectheliontnacil
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    It's impossible for a marked stamblade to win against a magblade. The stamblade does have the ability to escape but that's it.

    If you're the magblade play defensive, keep your shields up, don't burn your stam running after them and feint attacks by light/heavy attacking but not using an ability afterwards. This way the stamblade will burn stamina dodging, while you don't spend any magicka at all.

    Eventually you will outsustain them.
  • Violynne
    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.
    Nah, it's just because you sorcs don't know how to lay down suppressing fire, allowing us enough time to regen before you try to hit us with those lame attacks.

    It's actually quite fun to toy with magSorcs, getting all flustered because they worry we're going to cloak and gank.

    Some free advice: slow down with the autofire you sorcs seem to default to. Know your enemy, watch how they move. If you calculate it right, you can force a DR with a miff spell then slap them with your power spell since you know precisely where they'll end up after the roll.

    Frantic firing isn't going to help.

  • SkillzMFG
    Two words: Stamina Poison
  • Colecovision



    Sorry to everyone else for yelling. Just trying to communicate with the op.
  • badmojo
    The thing that always bothers me is when I hit one of these guys a bunch with unavoidable attacks, getting them down to low health, and then I try to use mages fury to execute and for some reason there is a good 3-4 second delay between me casting it and them being hit by the lightning, a lot of the time the delay is enough for them to use a potion or heal. I have resorted to using it early to account for the delay, but it's still odd that 90% of people in cyrodiil take damage instantly from mages fury but for some reason the ultra-dodge stacking nightblades get a delay. I'm not talking about the mages fury explosion either, the actual hit gets delayed, I send a lightning bolt into the sky, and it feels like forever before it lands on them.
  • Priyasekarssk
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    Wait a minute ? Is nightblades turning on each other ? I love it. NBs got some Nb treatment. loll. They dont even have any sense that they are playing a god class in ESO. For your information this is the way all stamblades does it and avoid all attacks.

    Evasion (Medium Armor Skill) : max 22%
    Blur (NB Assasination Skill) : max 30%
    Hist Bark or Spectres Eye Set: max 20%

    I come directly in the front and do *** on you for infinite amount of time. Evasion and blur dont stack. Blur + spectre you have 50 percent dodge chance without doing anything and have completely up all the time . Add dodge chance with cloak. No one will hit your. Dont tell any NBs this is OP. Thats why NB so overpowered and broken class. They will roll dodge for ever. You cant do ***.

    Come and die. My NB is waiting. Again it doesn't even represent my actual skill. It only represent how OP nightblades are.
    Again ZOs wont fix it. NBs are ZOs favourite class. Dont even try. Change yourself to stamina NB its only option.

    NBs god class in ESO. Period.
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on April 17, 2018 7:02PM
  • Gilvoth
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    Another nerf stamblade thread. Come and see all the duels taking place in Summerset PTS and u will see VERY few nightblades. Thoose that occasionally do a duel get fisted hard by all the magdks sword and board leapers out there. Do i start thread after thread how OP magdks are in duels no. I understand that they are hardcounter to my build and try to adjust fighting one as best as i can. stop this whining already its getting old.

    exactly, and very well worded.
    this is getting old. him and his friends keep spamming these type of threads even after moderators lock them or delete them they word the title differently and keep spamming comments in them.

    i hope the community and zenimax devs and also the moderators wake up to what is happening here and maybe change the way threads are allowed to be created, maybe only 1 thread every 90 days or something, or maybe only allowed to create 1 topic of that kind per year or something.

    right now these threads are just angering me and many other people and seeing them daily and spamming them is against the forum rules and i hope something is done about it to stop them doing this.
  • Gilvoth
    just false information and misleading people to think stamina nightblades are overpowered. because they are not overpowered.
    please stop making these kinds of threads over and over and over.
  • Koolio
    Nightblade is a Class in Elder Scrolls Online. Nightblades are adventurers and opportunists with a gift for getting in and out of trouble. Relying variously on stealth, blades and speed, they thrive on conflict and misfortune trusting to their luck and cunning to survive. Nightblades can specialize on three distinctive class skills. The player is free to focus on one line or distribute points across many, allowing for deep build customization.

    Maybe he is just lucky or cunning
    Edited by Koolio on April 17, 2018 6:21PM
  • Priyasekarssk
    just false information and misleading people to think stamina nightblades are overpowered. because they are not overpowered.
    please stop making these kinds of threads over and over and over.

    Yes . 50 percent dodge chance all the time is not overpowered when combined with cloak. Cloak itself will dodge many attacks. All come and agree. NBs are super cool.
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on April 17, 2018 7:05PM
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    Maybe just change your name to DRAGON_NEEDS_NERFS_TO_WIN?
  • Arkangeloski
    omg you again? LoL you should change your forum name to Stamblade_nerf_hunter... Listen bud any class with 2,000plus recovery running 3 well fitted and a little cp can dodgeroll for days and it is not limited to stamblades or is there a passive on the nb tree that reduces cost of dodge rolling? i dont think so. Your lack of knowledge is evident obviously or you are just a troll... or maybe both with a little salt in betwen perhaps? i think a very very mean nb took your lunch and you are out for revenge :D
  • Sting864

    Yes . 50 percent dodge chance all the time is not overpowered. All come and agree. NBs are super cool.

    Doesn't that mean 50 percent of the time, it's NOT an issue???
  • Hoolielulu
    Even when marked i just cant hit a stamblade as a ranged magblade. They keep dodge rolling for ever and ever and ever and dodging every single attack of you.

    Even tho dodge rolling has a stacking mechanic like streak it seems like stamina nightblades can dodge for ever and never run out of sustain.

    *dodge roll*
    maniacal laugh
    *dodge roll*
    maniacal laugh
    *screw up dodge roll, accidentally jump*
    no maniacal laugh

    Look for me. I'm a horrible player.
  • ErMurazor
    So we talking dodge chance with shuffle and specific sets. And we talking medium armour well fitted rolldodge builds. Only available for stamblades. Pls you guys that start theese kind of threads could you atleast learn the basic mechanics of the game before screaming for nerfs.
  • Arkangeloski
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    So we talking dodge chance with shuffle and specific sets. And we talking medium armour well fitted rolldodge builds. Only available for stamblades. Pls you guys that start theese kind of threads could you atleast learn the basic mechanics of the game before screaming for nerfs.

    Words with light!
  • Colecovision
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    So we talking dodge chance with shuffle and specific sets. And we talking medium armour well fitted rolldodge builds. Only available for stamblades. Pls you guys that start theese kind of threads could you atleast learn the basic mechanics of the game before screaming for nerfs.

    With the same gear, will a redguard stamina dragon knight have better sustain with dodgerolls than a khajiit stamblade?
  • Arkangeloski
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    So we talking dodge chance with shuffle and specific sets. And we talking medium armour well fitted rolldodge builds. Only available for stamblades. Pls you guys that start theese kind of threads could you atleast learn the basic mechanics of the game before screaming for nerfs.

    With the same gear, will a redguard stamina dragon knight have better sustain with dodgerolls than a khajiit stamblade?

    U never seen a rolly polly dk leaping you around a tree? They are out there.. but with all the mitigation the dk has on its arsenal they are better of blocking hard hitting blows than dodge rolling them. Nb are usually running with 10k to 12k resistances so you will see them using dodgeroll more often than other clases due to the fact that they can not face tank damage like other clases, they have to aviod as much damage as possible before they see an opening or when the enemy makes a mistake.
    Edited by Arkangeloski on April 17, 2018 7:06PM
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