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Jewelry Crafting – You Should Be Reading This

  • SugaComa
    i hope it is hard to achieve so we don't have a watered down skill line.

    i actually don't like it that research scrolls were introduced...let folks work, BE PATIENT, to be a master crafter.

    I think the research scrolls were introduced as master crafter's are in decline many left the game and very few new players level crafting ...

    I'm assuming this as 2 years ago a shout out in zone from a new person asking for training gear got several people replying ... Now I'm seeing the same person asking repeatedly and in multiple zones
  • reiverx
    Summerset: pay2grind

    Heh. We should have saw this coming.
  • MattT1988
    I’m guessing old mate Rolis will be flogging off Jewellery Crafting Stations for Master writs. Has there been any indication on the price? If I had to guess I’d say it’ll be similar to the transmutation stations (1250 I think). Has there been any indication otherwise? I’m currently saving up vouchers.
    Edited by MattT1988 on April 18, 2018 12:20PM
  • Prof_Bawbag
    This is surprising, but I guess it shouldn't be.

    I'm let down, though. Every time I give them the benefit of the doubt....

    Every single aspect of this game is a grind and rng fest. Hell, with the introduction of CC's, even the CS has a grind attached to it of sorts. Nothing and I mean nothing is free from some sort of grind and rng fest.
  • imnotanother
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I’m guessing old mate Rolis will be flogging off Jewellery Crafting Stations for Master writs. Has there been any indication on the price? If I had to guess I’d say it’ll be similar to the transmutation stations (1250 I think). Has there been any indication otherwise? I’m currently saving up vouchers.
    I believe 150 for a normal station and 250 for an Attuned one.
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • MattT1988
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I’m guessing old mate Rolis will be flogging off Jewellery Crafting Stations for Master writs. Has there been any indication on the price? If I had to guess I’d say it’ll be similar to the transmutation stations (1250 I think). Has there been any indication otherwise? I’m currently saving up vouchers.
    I believe 150 for a normal station and 250 for an Attuned one.

    Really??? That cheap? Would of thought it would be in line with the transmutation station. But actually, come to think of it, being in line with the regular crafting stations will probably make more sense.
  • ThanatosLex
    It's the end game content, it's good that it's challenging, it's not all done 2 hours after it's started. And who wants to get it done quickly so spends a lot of gold or AP for it. It should be even more rare.
  • neverwalk
    Doleman in Desert drop lots of jewelery, best way to grind for jewelery to decon.
  • Yigrok
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    To be honest, I know I'm in the minority, but to me, it should take ages to become a master crafter.

    I can get to level 50 in alc and provisioning in next to no time (probably under an hour each),
    Wood, blacksmith and clothing only takes a couple of days, and thats on'y because I need to frm a few dungeons etc to get decon mats.

    The only one that takes any time is enchanting. And even that, if you have a friend making them for you, it can be done in hours.

    I prefer mmos when it takes you ages to get to end level and it feels a real achievement, same for crafting.

    Whats the point of releasing jewelry crafting if within two or three days everyone's a master, personally I think it's better if you have to choose. Devote a ton of time to become one or pay someone else who has done so to make them (or if your in a small friendly guild, maybe have them made for nothing).

    The point of a "master crafter" is to have all the traits researched :). There my friend is where the grind is. So leveling up the skill line itself should not take ages, it shouldn't be too fast either but it should be balanced so that your average casual player can actually get it with the time he spends ingame. The real grind are the traits themselves. The whole point of JC is to get more gear set diversity, and those gears are locked behind a trait wall thus where the "master crafter" enters.
  • Apache_Kid
    Zinaroth wrote: »

    This is just another case of a game system where people want it to be faster so they can get it done faster - and this mentality is troublesome for the longevity and health of an MMORPG where time invested in character growth and developement is a key element in keeping people engaged and interested.

    Why does it matter whether something takes 10 or 100 hours? Whether you find 5 or 500 nodes during your harvesting run? Any number given by any player is arbitrary and completely subjective in terms of how long they think it should take.

    Any time anything is implemented in this game - that requires time investment - I see people complaining.

    Hell - mention a new skill line or anything that will require people to grow their character and they will throw a fit on forums for being "forced" to play the game to be effective.

    It's an MMORPG - sometimes I think people might be playing the wrong game for them.

    If anything ESO is very generous with the little amount of time you need to invest to get a working character - and in my opinion that is not a good thing.

    EDIT: You have no way of knowing whether I have been on the PTS or not - any comment made regarding this is just speculation.

    Is this a serious question? I can't even imagine the amount of free time you must have on your hands to have that attitude about this system.

    It matters because time is a any player's most valuable resource as it is the one thing we cannot get more of. Making players spend too much time doing BS menial labor to get what they want is a great way to turn players off of the game. There is so much to do, complete, and progress through, with more difficult content with even more difficult achievements every 3 months. I have put in the time for crafting. I am now paying money to unlock a new form of crafting and still have to put in an unreasonable amount of time to even gather a measly amount of materials to make a couple pieces?

    It matters whether something takes me 10 or 100 hours to do because grinding jewelry for decon and harvesting material nodes that have a low spawn rate is not fun. It is work. We are working to get something in the game that will make us a tiny bit marginally better.

    The difference between gold and purple jewelry is so minimal that it doesn't represent the grind they are putting in to place to get a gold piece of jewelry.

    This is about one thing and one thing only, how many jewelry research scrolls can they sell.
    Edited by ZOS_JesC on April 18, 2018 3:28PM
  • ZOS_JesC
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  • Uviryth
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Uviryth wrote: »
    Everything in this game is a grindfest, at least with Jewelcrafting there may be a chance VMAweapons will be devaluated.

    that has nothing to do with jewelry crafting and everything to do with change to 2h weapons counting as 2 pieces for the sake of a bonus.

    Plus you can now make 5Sets out of Crafted Sets, which makes for infinite more combinations including the weaponslot.
  • Linaleah
    Uviryth wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Uviryth wrote: »
    Everything in this game is a grindfest, at least with Jewelcrafting there may be a chance VMAweapons will be devaluated.

    that has nothing to do with jewelry crafting and everything to do with change to 2h weapons counting as 2 pieces for the sake of a bonus.

    Plus you can now make 5Sets out of Crafted Sets, which makes for infinite more combinations including the weaponslot.

    you won't be able to do that to a degree that you seem to think unless you throw a lot and i do mean a LOT of money into speeding up research. since set jewelry also has requirement of requisite number of traits researched. so more likely, most people will stick to dropped jewelry rather then crafted for their 5/5/2 combo. I mean.. given current droprates and requirements - its literally more efficient to transmute jewelry rather then craft it in one of the new traits.

    so to reiterate. the 5/5/2 new meta would have been possible even if we didn't get jewelry crafting, becasue that new meta is possible due to change to 2handed weapons. it would also not be possible if we got jewelry crafting but NOT 2h weapon change.l ergo - while JC ...might add to this meta to a degree, its not the reason for that meta.

    I was reading the JC thread on pts some more and... I love how people are forgetting that drop rates will actualy be LOWER live. all of the droprates, including mine were based on ZERO competition. I was literally the only person in the zone at the time, and so were they, now imagine farming for already rare seams... while competing with multiple people
    dirty worthless casual.
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  • josiahva
    Not sure why people talk about enchanting as if it was time-consuming to level...it was one of the FASTEST skill lines to level, the only ones faster were the consumable lines....after all with enchanting, all you did was decon junk glyphs you had(or buy whatever was cheap on guild traders to decon) and craft junk glyphs and you were done in a couple days, there was no researching involved. With jewelry crafting, you will have that side of it, as well as the researching time...so I am going to make a wild guess and say it will take abount a month, maybe slightly more to max it, not a big deal at all.
  • Juju_beans
    I hope ZoS doesn't launch this with a titanic grind behind it. I don't mind a few days or a couple of weeks of working on it to reach 50, but if it's a 6 month grind then....nah.

    The research is absolutely going to take more than a "few days" or a "couple of weeks"

  • Juju_beans
    Uviryth wrote: »
    Everything in this game is a grindfest, at least with Jewelcrafting there may be a chance VMAweapons will be devaluated.

    MMO's by definition are slow, evolving games.

  • montiferus
    Apache_Kid wrote: »

    Is this a serious question? I can't even imagine the amount of free time you must have on your hands to have that attitude about this system.


    I find some of the comments in this thread amusing. It amazes me that people want to spend so much time on grinding. It seems like some actually enjoy and look forward to it. Takes a special kind of sicko for that.
    Edited by montiferus on April 18, 2018 11:45PM
  • klowdy1
    I was on the PTS for at least 4 hours yesterday. I wasn't focused on finding nodes, but I only found 1. Once I get through the quests, and open that skill line, I'm going to spend some time only looking for the new nodes and see how many I find when actively looking for them. But all the running around I did yesterday, I'm not overly optimistic on the time it's going to take to build up a decent stash.

    Yeah, and when everyone is hunting them, get ready for the insulting whispers about how you stole someone's node.
  • MrGarlic
    montiferus wrote: »
    Apache_Kid wrote: »

    Is this a serious question? I can't even imagine the amount of free time you must have on your hands to have that attitude about this system.


    I find some of the comments in this thread amusing. It amazes me that people want to spend so much time on grinding. It seems like some actually enjoy and look forward to it. Takes a special kind of sicko for that.

    Some of us enjoy the journey, the process of creation and accumulation, not the end result itself.

    Not everyone is in a rush to get to the destination.
    'Sharp Arrows'Mr.Garlic
    Hidden by darkness, a shadow in the night,A sped arrow dissecting the gloom,Finding it's target, such delight.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    MrGarlic wrote: »

    Some of us enjoy the journey, the process of creation and accumulation, not the end result itself.

    Not everyone is in a rush to get to the destination.

    You must love loading screens then.
  • Uviryth
    josiahva wrote: »
    Not sure why people talk about enchanting as if it was time-consuming to level...it was one of the FASTEST skill lines to level, the only ones faster were the consumable lines....after all with enchanting, all you did was decon junk glyphs you had(or buy whatever was cheap on guild traders to decon) and craft junk glyphs and you were done in a couple days, there was no researching involved.
    Uh boy, where you there in the beginning? Level50 Enchanters where so rare, you knew them by name.....

  • Apache_Kid
    MrGarlic wrote: »
    montiferus wrote: »
    Apache_Kid wrote: »

    Is this a serious question? I can't even imagine the amount of free time you must have on your hands to have that attitude about this system.


    I find some of the comments in this thread amusing. It amazes me that people want to spend so much time on grinding. It seems like some actually enjoy and look forward to it. Takes a special kind of sicko for that.

    Some of us enjoy the journey, the process of creation and accumulation, not the end result itself.

    Not everyone is in a rush to get to the destination.

    And this is where the disconnect is between the players here.

    Many of us do not enjoy the repetition of gathering materials and farming jewelry for decon over and over. We do these grindy things for the rewards at the end. Running around harvesting nodes that have a low appearance rate is just about the complete opposite of fun for many players. We actually wana spend time playing the game, not doing chores.
  • mike_skleinub17_ESO
    there's this awesome sorta new book genre called Lit Rpg. Basically, its like if a real human enters a pod and is transported body and soul into a game. There they live, and work as if its now their real life.

    this is kind of how I've started to approach some of the tedium. If this was real (and lets be honest, LIFE is just a game with sorta ok graphics and a REALLY crappy story line) and I wanted to pursue crafting, which a probably would, then gathering is part of life.
  • Wreuntzylla
    Juju_beans wrote: »
    I hope ZoS doesn't launch this with a titanic grind behind it. I don't mind a few days or a couple of weeks of working on it to reach 50, but if it's a 6 month grind then....nah.

    The research is absolutely going to take more than a "few days" or a "couple of weeks"

    Shaha!!!! I'll wait for the new crown crate season and pass all you grinders in a day!
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Zinaroth wrote: »

    It matters because time is a any player's most valuable resource as it is the one thing we cannot get more of. Making players spend too much time doing BS menial labor to get what they want is a great way to turn players off of the game. There is so much to do, complete, and progress through, with more difficult content with even more difficult achievements every 3 months. I have put in the time for crafting. I am now paying money to unlock a new form of crafting and still have to put in an unreasonable amount of time to even gather a measly amount of materials to make a couple pieces?

    The important point here is that there are so many grinds in the game that it makes little sense to make something super grindy.

    Having said that, ZOS does what most games do and every three months nerfs the previous grind. Just not enough imo.
  • Emma_Overload
    Zinaroth wrote: »
    [Edited to remove quote]

    This is just another case of a game system where people want it to be faster so they can get it done faster - and this mentality is troublesome for the longevity and health of an MMORPG where time invested in character growth and developement is a key element in keeping people engaged and interested.

    Why does it matter whether something takes 10 or 100 hours? Whether you find 5 or 500 nodes during your harvesting run? Any number given by any player is arbitrary and completely subjective in terms of how long they think it should take.

    Any time anything is implemented in this game - that requires time investment - I see people complaining.

    Hell - mention a new skill line or anything that will require people to grow their character and they will throw a fit on forums for being "forced" to play the game to be effective.

    It's an MMORPG - sometimes I think people might be playing the wrong game for them.

    If anything ESO is very generous with the little amount of time you need to invest to get a working character - and in my opinion that is not a good thing.

    EDIT: You have no way of knowing whether I have been on the PTS or not - any comment made regarding this is just speculation.

    You're ignoring the fact that many people here on the forums are only interested in endgame PvE or PvP. We don't want to wait months to use the new builds that will be possible because of jewelry crafting, we want them NOW. Remember, they've been talking about jewelry crafting since ESO was LAUNCHED in 2014. We've waited long enough.
  • Qbiken
    Mureel wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    So what? Its difficult to create gold jewelry in the trait of your choice. Did you people really expect any different? Look at the existing methods to get gold Jewelry:

    1.Vet trials...a few specific sets, higher difficulty level
    2. The golden: ..many sets, but at a couple pieces offered per week it takes years for what you are waiting on to come around...also quite expensive for an average player at 200k gold or 500k AP a piece

    And...thats it, no option for gold jewlery for any crafted set or many other sets in the game such as willpower. I believe in addition to jewelry crafting they need to add a rare chance to drop gold jewelry from treasure maps, most of this will be garbage, but gives you more decon options.

    I honestly don't mind the grind, after all the available build diversity will make it all worth it. So what if it takes me 2 months to master jewelry crafting? Its not a big deal, it took me a lot longer to master the other crafting skill lines. So what if the materials are rare? That will give people who explore every corner of the map a nice source of income they didn't have before. My point is its ALREADY grindy to get the existing gold jewelry, this is no different.

    THIS so go away and stop whining. So tired of people trying to make this game miserable - and people are the only thing that do!

    If you think THIS is grindy at all, you seriously need to try any other MMO (and if you have, I beg you - GO BACK TO IT!), or go back to single player.

    Over players being the real single and only detriment to this game.

    Y'all suck.

    People saying you shouldn´t complain because other MMO`s have a more difficult grind, reminds me of the Monty Python sketch where they brag about who had the worst childhood.......

  • Septimus_Magna
    The first things I will do is transmute to arcane/bloodthirsty and upgrade some blue jewelry pieces.

    Transmute only requires to research the trait, upgrading only gets cheaper with passives.
    Purple trash jewelry is easy to get so the upgrade mats wont be rare.

    Only if you have a build that requires high trait crafted jewelry you'll need to wait.
    Most players have to wait a while before they can upgrade jewelry to gold, chromium will be very hard to get.
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  • Beardimus
    I'm ok with this taking effort. Enchanting did. We shouldn't all.have everything day one, it's healthy to have a goal. Grinding isn't the answer to enjoyment, peeps need patience.
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  • Sordidfairytale
    Assuming ESO+ with rank 4 in Lapidary Research it will take 10d 13h 9m to research 6 traits on one item. So it will take 21d 2h 18m to research 6 traits on 2 items. To get to 9 traits on one item it will take 70d 00h 45m and 140d 01h 30m for two items. This means it will be almost 4 and half months before you can craft a Twice Born Star jewelry set... If you only use one crafter.

    If you focus one crafter on researching the ring traits from the bottom up and a second researching from the top down, you'll have 8 ring traits researched on your account in less than a week and all 9 ring traits researched on your account in 10d 13h 9m. True you'll only be able to craft 4 trait gear in that time (and so would everyone else), but that crafter that researched the top 4 traits of rings can now research the top 4 traits of necklaces, so your account will be closer to being self sufficient on the traits and able to transmute gear faster. You could do 2 more crafters to get started on being able to transmute necklaces that much faster.

    Additionally keep in mind if you decon a high (crafting) level item you'll lose inspiration if your crafting level is well below that of the item you are deconning. It pays to decon the lower level stuff and save your big gold stuff for later.

    **Edit 4 and a half months not 3 and a half**
    Edited by Sordidfairytale on April 25, 2018 3:37AM
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  • Jayne_Doe
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    It took me four years to level up enchanting, but I did it.

    Max out Jewelry crafting?

    Challenge accepted.

    How did it take four years? I maxed enchanting on a new alt in about 3-4 months just having him decon all the trash glyphs and crafting writ glyphs. He did learn all the essences, but he hasn't learned any but the first tier potencies and aspects. And it's much easier to do now than it was at launch.

    As for jewelry crafting, I'm looking forward to working on a new craft. Not looking forward to gathering mats, esp. improvement mats, but I am looking forward to finding pieces for research and deconning jewelry rather than vendoring most of it. I'll have to purchase the trait jewelry and stones from other players for three of them (not doing PvP, trials, or dungeons - my choice). So, those will be the last traits I learn, after prices have settled a bit. So, I'm not going to be in a rush.

    I think it will be extremely rewarding when I can craft my first set jewelry for my main. :)
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