Specific question about jewelry

After reading the release about how jewelry crafting works I have decided I’m out on it. I also skipped master writs and housing grind.

I don’t have a desire to craft custom stuff. At all.

The one specific thing I am looking to do is turn my willpower jewelry gold. I have used willpower on my 3 healers forever and wish to continue doing so.

I run dungeons all day and sell a ton of rings to the merchant which I will now break down and research etc.

My specific question is - to turn those rings gold, is this all I need to do?

Research the trait I want
Max the skill line (through decon)
Purchase gold upgrade mats from guild store

That’s it right? Again I’m only looking to do this one specific thing. Is ther anything else I am missing?

I realize upgrade mats won’t be cheap.

Thanks for any info.
  • neverwalk
    Can't do anything until at least May 21st if on pc, June 5th for consoles. Nothing carry's over from PTS
  • zaria
    neverwalk wrote: »
    Can't do anything until at least May 21st if on pc, June 5th for consoles. Nothing carry's over from PTS
    This, note that you do not need to max out skill nor know traits to upgrade, you will want to max out the temper reducing skills and this will require an decent skill to unlock, probably 40.
    Also the price for the first gold jewelry tempers will be insane
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Cryptical
    N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »
    After reading the release about how jewelry crafting works I have decided I’m out on it. I also skipped master writs and housing grind.

    I don’t have a desire to craft custom stuff. At all.

    The one specific thing I am looking to do is turn my willpower jewelry gold. I have used willpower on my 3 healers forever and wish to continue doing so.

    I run dungeons all day and sell a ton of rings to the merchant which I will now break down and research etc.

    My specific question is - to turn those rings gold, is this all I need to do?

    Research the trait I want
    Max the skill line (through decon)
    Purchase gold upgrade mats from guild store

    That’s it right? Again I’m only looking to do this one specific thing. Is ther anything else I am missing?

    I realize upgrade mats won’t be cheap.

    Thanks for any info.

    What you will need to do, step by step.

    Have about a couple dozen skill points free.

    AFTER summerset hits, jump on the alik’r dolmen train and farm new jewelry. The old stuff is of no use to grinding the skill.

    Decon the new jewelry. Use the skill points to increase chances of getting grains ASAP. Some points will go into upgrade expertise also. And some may be needed to be put into refining.

    Farm rocky areas. Use keen eye to see the seams and hireling to get stuff to sell.

    When your refining skill is good enough, refine the raw mats and then the raw grains into completed chrome upgrade mats.

    Make your willpower gold.

    You may notice, there’s really no way for you to avoid any part of the jewelry crafting system when what you want to do is at the upper end of what the skill does.
    Xbox NA
  • Mozsta69
    From my understanding to research a trait you need to collect the right material which is different from other crafting skills is this right ?
  • josiahva
    You are probably better off just buying gold willpower stuff(or paying someone to upgrade some for you) if you want to avoid the grind entirely, otherwise you will be grinding in some way or another
    Willpower is arcane tho so I should be able to research it fairly easily.

    Thanks for all info. I know I’ll have to grind some, just feeling out the process. I really don’t want to farm 10 of 1 item for 1 piece, then need 10 of those, and again need 8 temps or whatever that will be. I don’t mind to buy those. And all my willpower is bound so I can’t pass it on to someone to upgrade for me.

    I also don’t wanna buy gold willpower as I have about 6 full sets enchanted with spell damage etc.

    Thanks for your input. It’s hard to grasp exactly what’s needed until i can actually mess with it. I’m on Xbox so it will be a bit. Just trying to get my ducks on a row.
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