I main a stamblade so obviously my point is either going to be ignored, ridiculed or replied with abuse
But I actually haven't noticed an influx in people playing stamblade, in Cyrodiil at least
This is on PC EU so perhaps it's a platform thing, or maybe I don't look hard enough. Or maybe it's such a small increase that I can't tell
I glanced over the patch notes again a few minutes ago, and noticed that nothing will be changing in regards to StamBlades. Except for the fact that they’ll probably be even stronger and more prevalent, being as 2H Weapons will count as a 2pcs. bonus for sets.
I have a question....
Is ZOS not aware of just how many StamBlades exist now across ALL platforms...? Is ZOS not aware that StamBlades are out and about just straight-up deleting people in combat, and then turning around with full ultimate to go insta-gib the next person? Or, is it a situation where ZOS devs don’t find StamBlades to be an issue?
As a side note, those ready to jump down my throat about this thread and claim how StamBlades are so weak this and that can stop. If StamBlades weren’t so good, the vast majority of Cyrodiil and Battleground’s population wouldn’t be StamBlades. Nor would the majority of the people who randomly come up to you, and ask for a duel. So the whole facade can end now, about how StamBlades are so weak and easily killed. Becahss (lmao that typo tho’!) let’s be honest. If they were so terrible, people wouldn’t flock to them in waves. Case and point, MagickaWardens and StamSorcs.
But anyway, I’m just curious if this was intended or not. Thanks in advance.
FloppyTouch wrote: »I just hate stamblades so I'm very bias on the issue. I even started to play one. I lvled it up during the jester festival, in pvp it so stupid easy I hate myself every day I go into pvp for playing one. ZoS won't do anything until 100% of the population is stamblade so I'm just doing my part to see the class get fixed.
I main a stamblade so obviously my point is either going to be ignored, ridiculed or replied with abuse
But I actually haven't noticed an influx in people playing stamblade, in Cyrodiil at least
This is on PC EU so perhaps it's a platform thing, or maybe I don't look hard enough. Or maybe it's such a small increase that I can't tell
I main a stamblade so obviously my point is either going to be ignored, ridiculed or replied with abuse
But I actually haven't noticed an influx in people playing stamblade, in Cyrodiil at least
This is on PC EU so perhaps it's a platform thing, or maybe I don't look hard enough. Or maybe it's such a small increase that I can't tell
Especially on Pc EU the number of stamnbs increased a lot.
Atleast 30% of vivec are stamnbs currently for AD it could be even 40%.
I glanced over the patch notes again a few minutes ago, and noticed that nothing will be changing in regards to StamBlades. Except for the fact that they’ll probably be even stronger and more prevalent, being as 2H Weapons will count as a 2pcs. bonus for sets.
I have a question....
Is ZOS not aware of just how many StamBlades exist now across ALL platforms...? Is ZOS not aware that StamBlades are out and about just straight-up deleting people in combat, and then turning around with full ultimate to go insta-gib the next person? Or, is it a situation where ZOS devs don’t find StamBlades to be an issue?
As a side note, those ready to jump down my throat about this thread and claim how StamBlades are so weak this and that can stop. If StamBlades weren’t so good, the vast majority of Cyrodiil and Battleground’s population wouldn’t be StamBlades. Nor would the majority of the people who randomly come up to you, and ask for a duel. So the whole facade can end now, about how StamBlades are so weak and easily killed. Becahss (lmao that typo tho’!) let’s be honest. If they were so terrible, people wouldn’t flock to them in waves. Case and point, MagickaWardens and StamSorcs.
But anyway, I’m just curious if this was intended or not. Thanks in advance.
Incapacitating should lose major defile
It's desease dmg, which can proc minor defile
You get with an ulti of 70 cost: A stun, huge dmg, empower for 6 seconds, major defile for 6 seconds, possibility of minor defile
Exaggerate much?LoL, our crithealing back to full health with shadowy disgise removed. Empover totaly changed that ALOT of stamblades use. So gankblades took a big hit with empower and rollerblades took a big hit with no crithealing. I read that ppl also want incap nerfed, if that happens stamblades will be dead and buried in pvp . But i guess thats what this witchhunt is all about.
I main a stamblade so obviously my point is either going to be ignored, ridiculed or replied with abuse
But I actually haven't noticed an influx in people playing stamblade, in Cyrodiil at least
This is on PC EU so perhaps it's a platform thing, or maybe I don't look hard enough. Or maybe it's such a small increase that I can't tell
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »I main a stamblade so obviously my point is either going to be ignored, ridiculed or replied with abuse
But I actually haven't noticed an influx in people playing stamblade, in Cyrodiil at least
This is on PC EU so perhaps it's a platform thing, or maybe I don't look hard enough. Or maybe it's such a small increase that I can't tell
man every time i see a post like this...makes me want to come in and tell people "L2P instead of spending time badmouthing a class you don't understand" and yes on EU you wont see at all stamblades cuz its 2 squishy and ez countered also with the influx of magdks we gona have an even harder time...everytime i see a post about people getting rekt by stamblade gankers i just know it can only happen on NA since on EU its hard if not imposible to gank people who run perma heavy armor with overcap ress and lame builds especially that we have no burst sets anymore so all "ganking" stuff its basically dead since they removed old viper... id say more things to this guy but I'm tired of zos warnings...
last 8 days in cyro, it is getting hard to find enough NB to kill, therefor we see a rapid increasing amount of sorcs and DKs running around.
players getting ready for the coming update,
and to be true a stamblade is only good WHEN he/she uses 7 skills not available in the the skilltrees of the NB, which means these skills are available to all, and yes my stamsorc uses some of them too.
so.... to nerf a stamblade, it is essentiel to nerf 3 skilllines of worldskilltrees, that would upset to many players, because that would not only affects stamblades............
therefor ZOS will do that sometime in the future (they will say that if you ask them.........)
imho it would be nice if ZOS would make it possible to have staminabuilds in whatever class that are able to use 8-9 skills from the class skilltree and not the other way around, a stamina build is forced to use 7-8 skills from worldskilltrees to be competitive with magicka builds.
I really don´t get your problem
Stanblade sucks in pledges, it sucks in raids, it sucks in BG, it is not the winner in cyrodil
it is nice in good balanced groups, but otherwise it is nothing
sure it is bad when you get killed in a duel by such a OP-class
read my post above, nothing special about a stamblade, nothing to show your build
decent gear is important for every build and available
most of the skills used by a stamblade are from world-skill-trees
to load an will you most place first 4 hits
and it is sad that always these few ppl start there HATE-campaign over and over
just wasted time, bether you go and grind some gear
nobody is taking you serious anymore
this same theatre of hate over and over is getting squishy
If you get straight up deleted in a 1v1 vs a stamblade on a regular basis i would argue that you're either doing something wrong or simply being outplayed by players with more skill.
I think it comes down to how good you are at pvp.
As a stamblade you will come across:
unkillable wardens/templars,
DK-s that one shot you with a leap
Scorcs that simply wont let you penetrate their shields.
Every class has their strenght/weaknesses mate
Exaggerate much?LoL, our crithealing back to full health with shadowy disgise removed. Empover totaly changed that ALOT of stamblades use. So gankblades took a big hit with empower and rollerblades took a big hit with no crithealing. I read that ppl also want incap nerfed, if that happens stamblades will be dead and buried in pvp . But i guess thats what this witchhunt is all about.
Stamblades will never be dead as long as they have access to cloak, will, death stroke ult, fear, suprise attack, NB passives in their current version.
The stun on incap has to go to make them balanced.