Reroll or continue?

I've just gotten back into ESO and completed the main quest, so I picked up Morrowind (and Summerset when it releases). Would I be better off continuing playing through the stories with my current character, or roll a new Warden to play Morrowind?
  • davey1107
    I have a heck of a lot of fun on my stam warden. They play a bit like stam sorcs to me, if you ever played that. They’re a great class...plenty of heals and self buffs, and some fun damage abilities. They’re a little less tanky than stam templars, but way more dps. And for a stam character they have amazing heals. I was playing world bosses w a friend, and with logos blossom active my heavy attacks were healing him for 7k. That’s like as good as vigor...just for doing heavy attacks.

    The Morrowind quests don’t really connect much to anything else in the game. You could do either quite easily...start with a new character, or play with an existing character.

  • Beardimus
    Personally think the original questline makes way more sense for new toons. It integrated better. Alliance and main quest
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
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