I'm scratching my head and wondering why houses are excluded.
Kind of BS if you ask me.
I'm scratching my head and wondering why houses are excluded.
Kind of BS if you ask me.
I think it's a technical thing. Right now if you message support, there's 1 support person that can facilitate gifting. AFAIK they can only gift empty houses (non-furnished). Bit odd you can't gift houses at all, but I think it must be something technical.
So how are they going to stop gifts for gold exchanges among "friends"? Or do they care?
P2W lol. No that's not it. What it does is it opens the door to in game scams since there is no trading interface you can use for this. Any such trades will have to be done on faith just like WW/Vamp bites.
This gifting in exchange for gold will become very popular and there will be a flood of "I got ripped off" complaints flowing from it. That's the problem I suspect will raise its ugly head quite quickly after this goes live.