This has been bugging me for a while. The dual wielding NPCs have ridiculous all of their animations are just dumb and unrealistic. Please just make these enemies into Nightblades.
1. The hidden blade animations where they run backwards about 10 feet and stand there like idiots with their hand in their pocket as they charge up the attack. Not only is it unrealistic, but no one in their right mind would even think of trying to run backwards in the middle of a fight to throw something at their opponent- it’s a good way to trip and fall on your ass.
- I’d say, instead of just running backwards, give them the Nightblade invisibility cloak and use that to maneuver.
2. The aerial tumbling. “Weee! I’m flying”. Crouch less tiger, not-so-hidden dragon. Not only are people unable to jump that high, but again, it’s a good way to get knocked down and look like an idiot.
-This should just be replaced with the Assassin beetle style of teleport.
3. Whirling blade. “Watch me milk an imaginary cow!” Nothing about this animation makes any sense whatsoever. They leave themselves vulnerable to attack, they’re not even looking at their target, and pumping their hands like they’re dual wielding butter churns doesn’t build up any centrifugal force for the final spinning attack.
-There’s no need for them to turn to the side and piston-pump their little daggers. If, for gameplay reasons they absolutely *need* to charge up the attack, at least give it the same general look as the Infantry enemies when they charge their one-handed heavy attack. But, honestly, I think this attack could just as easily be an instant attack...
I don’t know. Maybe it’s time to take a little break. The little things are starting to get under my skin.