Wayshrine for houses

I would love to have a functional wayshrine that I could put in my house. That way I wouldn't have to waste time running to the nearest one, I could just port from my house!
  • Schmetterfrosch
    Das Leben ist doch nur ein Rollenspiel
  • MLGProPlayer
    If you're on PC: http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1454-EasyTravel.html

    I don't remember the last time I used a wayshrine.
  • Gracous
    I'm on PS4 N/A
  • xaraan
    I would as well.

    At first when i saw the shrine in the pvp furnishings I was like, ugh, it's behind a high rank in pvp, but once I found out it was just decorative I just shrugged at that point.

    Put it in the crown store even like the over priced mundus stones, but it would be a great option.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Syncronaut
    Some houses are un-useable due to shrines simply being to damn far away.

    They need to change something. Porting to house = no money cd -- able to port back to last location you ported.
  • Soul_Marrow
    I would also like to see an easier way to travel TO houses. It is such a pain to navigate that awful menu UI on console and find the name of the person who's house you want to visit from a friend's list or guild roster, etc. We should be able to access a wayshrine and select an option that opens up a text box for us to enter the name of the person who's house we want to visit. Boom.
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