I have 4 characters, one reached level 50 before Skill Advisor, the others are level 16, 29, and 30. I've looked at the Skill Advisor and considered using it to some degree, in fact I respeced by main and used a few of the recommendations after changing the build to suit what I wanted.
Looking at my other characters, I have a NightBlade that will be a thief and assassin only, doesn't seem that any SA build suits her. For that one I might wing it or look at other's recommendations.
My other characters are a Templar and a DragonKnight, the Templar started out as my attempt at working towards a tank but I'm thinking the DK might be a better tank and the Templar could be a healer. What's got me a bit perplexed, and the reason I started this post, is that the Skill Advisor has a tank health build option. This seems odd to me since there aren't any skills that require health, although there are passives that will increase health or at least make a tank tougher.
I guess my biggest decisions are what to do with the Templar and the DK. The Templar is a huge, beefy Nord and it feels odd to think about making him some resto staff wielding healer, he just look like he should be swinging some serious metal and bashing heads. The DK is an Imperial and she could be a healer although I've found her to be pretty proficient at sword and board.
My main is an Altmer MagSorc at CP 360, my NB is a Wood Elf at level 29, my Nord Templar at level 30, and my Imperial DK is at level 16.