Zos how will you improve DW in PvP now that 2h counts as 2 pieces?

Any plans for dual wielders?
Any improvements or additions?
In PvE it is still king tho.. boring
  • Sixty5
    Maybe the fact that DW has higher base weapon damage, nastier bleeds and a ranged snare, along with the biggest AOE execute in a game with no AOE caps will keep DW competitive?

    Or the fact that the skill line has something that mitigates 25% of AOE damage might also help.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • GeorgeBlack
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Maybe the fact that DW has higher base weapon damage, nastier bleeds and a ranged snare, along with the biggest AOE execute in a game with no AOE caps will keep DW competitive?

    Or the fact that the skill line has something that mitigates 25% of AOE damage might also help.

    2h has top execute, gap closer, heal over time/snare immunity Maj Brut, killer passives plus a spammable which at the hands of good players means death sentence. Why did it became a 2piece item since it is one?
  • Merlin13KAGL
    They're still getting the best of both worlds. Other things getting a buff doesn't mean DW is getting a nerf.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

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    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Skander
    Duel wield has also a execute passive.
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  • veloSylraptor
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Maybe the fact that DW has higher base weapon damage, nastier bleeds and a ranged snare, along with the biggest AOE execute in a game with no AOE caps will keep DW competitive?

    Or the fact that the skill line has something that mitigates 25% of AOE damage might also help.

    2h has top execute, gap closer, heal over time/snare immunity Maj Brut, killer passives plus a spammable which at the hands of good players means death sentence. Why did it became a 2piece item since it is one?

    Because it consumes two slots?

    Which is the same logic for having roughly equal weapon damage to dual wield (although dw has almost 100 more weapon damage with just 1 nirnhoned on both setup). Also the same logic for having traits with double the value on 2h weapons.

    Really, the number of items doesn't matter; only the number of slots it consumes.
  • Sixty5
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Maybe the fact that DW has higher base weapon damage, nastier bleeds and a ranged snare, along with the biggest AOE execute in a game with no AOE caps will keep DW competitive?

    Or the fact that the skill line has something that mitigates 25% of AOE damage might also help.

    2h has top execute, gap closer, heal over time/snare immunity Maj Brut, killer passives plus a spammable which at the hands of good players means death sentence. Why did it became a 2piece item since it is one?

    Dual Wield has heals on two base abilities, a ranged spammable that gives major brutality, a passive execute, and a massive aoe spammable/execute.

    The weapon lines excel at doing different jobs, DW does sustained damage, whilst 2h deals spikier damage.

    Comparing the two is like comparing apples to muffins.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • MaxwellC
    Does DW even need a change? DW performs pretty good in PvP and has access to Major brutality (ranged throwing knife) as 2h does but has better bleeds with a morph that can heal over time.

    So short thing is we don't need to buff DW or 2H as they both are fine, each one has their own appeal that works with one build or the other.
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  • kyle.wilson
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Maybe the fact that DW has higher base weapon damage, nastier bleeds and a ranged snare, along with the biggest AOE execute in a game with no AOE caps will keep DW competitive?

    Or the fact that the skill line has something that mitigates 25% of AOE damage might also help.

    2h has top execute, gap closer, heal over time/snare immunity Maj Brut, killer passives plus a spammable which at the hands of good players means death sentence. Why did it became a 2piece item since it is one?

    Its becoming a 2 piece, because almost the entire community has been demanding it since launch.
    I have an easier time dealing with wb spammers than the insane bleed builds some are using. I've had enough bleed hit me at one time, I started to wonder if zos f'd it up again.

    Edited by kyle.wilson on April 8, 2018 8:40PM
  • IndianaGeoff
    It will be much easier to balance 2H if the other mechanics are aligned with other weapon choices. It removes one variable in balance. The alternative would be to take the perks from the off hand. Same result. The balancing will come as we go forward I predict.
    Edited by IndianaGeoff on April 8, 2018 8:46PM
  • GeorgeBlack
    Lemme sum it up.
    You like 2h. U like 2h being 2piece.
    You lose to bleed builds so you are happy that DW lost its unique feature, yep?
  • Merlin13KAGL
    OP, I assume you're referring to stam builds, too, though you never specified.

    If you're wanting this for mag builds (which should never have been a thing in the first place), it lessens the argument even further.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Sixty5
    Lemme sum it up.
    You like 2h. U like 2h being 2piece.
    You lose to bleed builds so you are happy that DW lost its unique feature, yep?

    Or maybe what he is saying is that dual wield isn't weak, and that making 2h count as two set pieces is something that has been a long time coming?

    I'd also point out that Asylum, Master and Maelstrom 2h still remain as powerful single piece items
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • NyassaV
    Passives and high base damage
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
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  • GeorgeBlack
    I dont see any reason to make 2h count as 2 since it is a single item that ppl craft.
    Since Zos went ahead and improved something that was not underperforming I believe they should also improve DW.
    Edited by GeorgeBlack on April 8, 2018 9:09PM
  • SugaComa
    2 handed needed to count as 2 item pieces , but I do think the should only count as 2 when a third item is added , so essentially it only counts as pieces 1 and 3

    Or make staffs a one handed weapon so you can run one with a sword or shield
  • Mindcr0w
    I dont see any reason to make 2h count as 2 since it is a single item that ppl craft.
    Since Zos went ahead and improved something that was not underperforming I believe they should also improve DW.

    Implying DW wasn't overperforming compared to every other setup. Give me a break.
  • itscompton
    2H is already the preferred weapon choice on most stam setups for PVP so no real change there plus DW still has the advantage of an extra enchantment coming into play for those that run it over 2H. The nerf on blade cloak damage was unnecessary and I certainly hope that gets reverted before live.
  • GeorgeBlack
    LaMagrank wrote: »
    I dont see any reason to make 2h count as 2 since it is a single item that ppl craft.
    Since Zos went ahead and improved something that was not underperforming I believe they should also improve DW.

    Implying DW wasn't overperforming compared to every other setup. Give me a break.

    Everybody runs around with SnB 2h
  • Beardimus
    NyassaV wrote: »
    Passives and high base damage

    I agree with this ^ so its a buff for Magika DW too, stamina is already OP in general ;)
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  • glavius
    Dual wield already has a pretty big advantage with dual weapon enchants. No need for more buffs.
  • Mindcr0w
    Everybody runs around with SnB 2h

    Hahaha pvp is the only game mode that matters amirite?
  • Koensol
    I love how people like @GeorgeBlack automatically assume this is only about pvp.
  • GeorgeBlack
    Right... i only care about PvP.... right...

    So in that sense PvE screwed DW in PvP because of the insane decision to count 1 item as 2. Is that the logic you go with?

    To you who are considered in both PvP and PvE, unlike me, how would you Balance DW in PvP, now that 2h, an alrdy OP weapon got an additional buff?

    Oh wait. "I cant burst down a bleed build so ye... DW was more OP than 2h. 2h needed to get the 2 piece set buff"
    I am waiting for your fair replies.
    Edited by GeorgeBlack on April 8, 2018 10:56PM
  • itscompton
    Right... i only care about PvP.... right...

    So in that sense PvE screwed DW in PvP because of the insane decision to count 1 item as 2. Is that the logic you go with?

    To you who are considered in both PvP and PvE, unlike me, how would you Balance DW in PvP, now that 2h, an alrdy OP weapon got an additional buff?

    Oh wait. "I cant burst down a bleed build so ye... DW was more OP than 2h. 2h needed to get the 2 piece set buff"
    I am waiting for your fair replies.

    I'll give you a fair reply as soon as I can decipher what the heck it was you just said. Has someone been doing a bit of Sunday drinking?
    Edited by itscompton on April 8, 2018 11:00PM
  • GeorgeBlack
    itscompton wrote: »
    Right... i only care about PvP.... right...

    So in that sense PvE screwed DW in PvP because of the insane decision to count 1 item as 2. Is that the logic you go with?

    To you who are considered in both PvP and PvE, unlike me, how would you Balance DW in PvP, now that 2h, an alrdy OP weapon got an additional buff?

    Oh wait. "I cant burst down a bleed build so ye... DW was more OP than 2h. 2h needed to get the 2 piece set buff"
    I am waiting for your fair replies.

    I'll give you a fair reply as soon as I can decipher what the heck it was you just said. Has someone been doing a bit of Sunday drinking?

    Just tell me why 2h needed to count as a two piece set when it is one item
  • Colecovision
    I’m looking forward to giving 2h another shot. Dw/bow for every stam toon is boring and this will help me diversify that a bit.

    Side note, you can equip a 2h weapon when you turn in crafting writs and level it. I got to level 50 with master writs and then tried the skill line. There’s over a month before summerset. Get ready and enjoy the new opportunity.
  • Checkmath
    dual wield is and will be best for PvE damage. its a viable choice for PvP too with aoe damage mitigation, even major expedition, strong bleed and spammable, which bothh can heal. 2h is the preferred choice because of the strong execute and momentum, which is the best think of the skill line.
    you want a nerf to 2h? make its base weapon and spelldamage the same as staves, bows and 1h and shield. then it would be fine. then include that if two handed weapons count as two set pieces, they also should have two traits on it (also bows and staves). therefore we would have a strict rule for all weapons : base damage is overall the same (only dual wield gets hhigher, since you have two swords) and you always have two traits of the same values (1h and shield has instead of a second weapon trait an additional armor trait). and you got your stuff balanced.
    wait, nirnhoned should be a fix value instead of a percentage.
  • GeorgeBlack
    I’m looking forward to giving 2h another shot. Dw/bow for every stam toon is boring and this will help me diversify that a bit.

    Side note, you can equip a 2h weapon when you turn in crafting writs and level it. I got to level 50 with master writs and then tried the skill line. There’s over a month before summerset. Get ready and enjoy the new opportunity.

    Look mate. I have 2h lv50 and I do enjoy it. I have a cool build with 2h for PvE and even tho it wasn't optimum dps I would still run it when I felt like. My question is what will DW receive now that 2h has received a new feature
  • GeorgeBlack
    Checkmath wrote: »
    dual wield is and will be best for PvE damage. its a viable choice for PvP too with aoe damage mitigation, even major expedition, strong bleed and spammable, which bothh can heal. 2h is the preferred choice because of the strong execute and momentum, which is the best think of the skill line.
    you want a nerf to 2h? make its base weapon and spelldamage the same as staves, bows and 1h and shield. then it would be fine. then include that if two handed weapons count as two set pieces, they also should have two traits on it (also bows and staves). therefore we would have a strict rule for all weapons : base damage is overall the same (only dual wield gets hhigher, since you have two swords) and you always have two traits of the same values (1h and shield has instead of a second weapon trait an additional armor trait). and you got your stuff balanced.
    wait, nirnhoned should be a fix value instead of a percentage.

    Dont want to nerf 2h.
    Since 2h received an addition I am wondering why isnt DW receiving anything.
  • SodanTok
    DW will receive nothing. DWs feature, same as 2Hs are skills and passives. It was wrong from the start there was ever more to it than that (more damage or more slots).

    Run DW for the skill it gets, if you dont like them dont use DW. This is true balance. All DW skills and passives are very strong abilities.
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