Can’t believe my first post is a complaint or whatever, sorry, but is there something against warden tank builds? Twice yesterday someone bashed me how I was a dps who queued as a tank. But, the thing is, I can’t do enough damage on my own to consider myself as a dps. It irritated me so much that I completely changed my build twice, once to make it more “dps”, and again to make it more tanky. It honestly made me consider stopping doing dungeons on my warden, but oh well.
If anyone has any tips or suggestions, I’d appreciate it. I don’t mind changing my build again, I just want to have an enjoyable pve experience on my warden...
NA PSN: Abymen
g's waifu
✽ Thottie I Magplar I AD
✽ Tharjae I Warden I Tank I AD
✽ Mat'ilda I Stamblade I DC
console peasant