Stuck on Char Load

As title says... Been stuck for about 12 hours now.
  • VaranisArano
    Ive been having issues with certain characters not loading. Turning off all add-ons got them to load. I,don't know if that will help your issue, but it worked for me.
  • darbycrash
    So far, I have
    * reset my router/modem
    *tried to log in using a VPN
    *deleted add-ons
    *restarted PC and ESO client (a few times)
    *turned off Firewall
    *Ran client as Admin (Windows 10)

    No solution yet...
    As soon as I enter password, the screen changes to a rando screenshot (by the way, looks great in 2560x1080) and stays there for ever.
    Edited by darbycrash on April 10, 2018 1:25AM
  • Damien_Uvirith
    Welcome to the club. Brace yourself, because the tech support isn't going to be so supportive.
  • LilyOra
    Also been unable to log in all day T_T Tried repairing didn't help at all. Just waiting it out, hopefully tomorrow!
  • Hyade
    I am also having this problem. On the rare times I do get in I can expect to get disconnected. My internet is not going out when this happens, other online games and the web are working fine.

    This is in US so not related to the EU megaserver.
  • darbycrash
    Just woke up for work, still not resolved.
  • ZOS_Bill
    For anyone having issues with characters not loading after the maintenance, please try the troubleshooting steps listed below.

    Remove any mods or add-ons

    To completely remove add-ons, you should perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the "Elder Scrolls Online" folder in My Documents.
    2. Open the "live" folder (NA megaserver) or "liveeu" (EU megaserver).
    3. Remove all files from the "AddOns" folder.
    4. Remove all files from the "SavedVariables" folder.
    5. Remove AddOnSettings.txt from the "live" folder.

    Add Anti-virus and firewall exceptions

    The application files that may require exceptions are:
    • Bethesda.net_launcher: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZenimaxOnline\Launcher
    • ESO.exe: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZenimaxOnline\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client\eso.exe
    • Steam.exe: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe

    For some anti-virus programs you may need to add entire folders as exceptions.
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\

    Repair through launcher

    To run a repair through the launcher:
    1. Start The Elder Scrolls Online launcher.
    2. Click on Game Option on top of the News section, and click on the option for Repair.
    3. Allow the launcher to examine all the files for the game. This will take some time.
    4. If any files are found to have problems, the launcher will re-download those files.

    Run launcher and game as an administrator
    1. Right-click on the game Launcher and select Properties.
    2. Navigate to the Compatibility tab.
    3. Check the box that says Run as Administrator.
    4. Click Apply and then OK.
    5. Repeat these steps for ESO.exe, located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\Game\Client (by default).

    Please let us know if you see any improvement in loading times. If not, you can contact customer support to start a ticket.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • LilyOra
    I did all those and still getting kicked T_T Halp
  • darbycrash
    I havnt gotten past the first loading screen so, I havnt been kicked.

    When I get home from work today, I plan on running a repair and digging into the files a little bit to see if I can see anything going on.

    I also tried logging into ESO without the client (using x64 exe app file.) Samesies.
  • darbycrash
    If you are getting on, and actually getting kicked or DC'ing, it sounds to me like a packet loss or routing issue. :(

    If that's the case, it could take awhile to find the culprit.

    Ping the ESO server perhaps? I don't have the server IP to do so....
  • Hyade
    Thanks ZOS_BillE, but this did not help my issue. I still disconnect. I think there is a routing issue between north east US and your servers. I just really hope it is resolved before I get home from work, I need my fix.
    Edited by Hyade on April 10, 2018 3:37PM
  • Damien_Uvirith
    Hyade wrote: »
    Thanks ZOS_BillE, but this did not help my issue. I still disconnect. I think there is a routing issue between north east US and your servers. I just really hope it is resolved before I get home from work, I need my fix.

    I'm also in the NE and am convinced it is some kind of connectivity issue between ZOS' NA datacenter and area networks...

    Sometimes I'll be lucky to get in for five minutes, only to be booted to login with no error code 70% of the time. The other 30 percent are ''Unable to connect to game server, make sure you have a valid internet connection", and Error 108's and 200's. I have tried:

    -Removing all addons
    -Reseting router/modem
    -Flushing dns
    -Renaming the program folder (As suggested in some troubleshooting support thread)
    -Repairing the launcher (Numerous times, before and after reinstall)
    -Clean booting my PC
    -Ensuring there are exceptions for ZOS and ESO in my firewall

    Nothing has worked. And my ticket replies are not very helpful, either. I received better quality help from a random guild member than I have from the dozen people replying to my ticket. Not sure why a different person needs to answer ticket replies, you'd think having one person work on the issue would let them be familiar with it and understand the issue more completely.
  • LilyOra
    Im NE also :3
  • LilyOra
    And Ive been getting those exact errors. 108, 201 and all the other random ones. A new one each time lol
  • Damien_Uvirith
    ZOS is more vigilant closing threads asking for help than they are in actually helping their customers. Waiting to see how many other people affected are in the Northeast.
    Edited by Damien_Uvirith on April 10, 2018 4:29PM
  • Damien_Uvirith
    darbycrash wrote: »
    If you are getting on, and actually getting kicked or DC'ing, it sounds to me like a packet loss or routing issue. :(

    If that's the case, it could take awhile to find the culprit.

    Ping the ESO server perhaps? I don't have the server IP to do so.... is the server listed in support for pathping'ing the NA server, for anyone else interested in seeing if they are experiencing packet loss.
  • LilyOra
    Look, sometimes there isn't much they can do if it is indeed a problem on our end, they have to go through the initial problem solving steps to ensure its not a simple issue first before they can further investigate.

    Overwatch event is about to go live so Imma go do that, maybe later things will be solved \o/
  • Fat_Cat45
    Also unable to log in since patch. PC NA East Coaster.
  • darbycrash
    I am in Michigan
  • darbycrash
    From my Work computer, ping'ing times out. If I had hair to pull, id pull it. 4 packets sent, 4 packets lost.
    Edited by darbycrash on April 10, 2018 5:14PM
  • Catsmoke14
    ZOS is more vigilant closing threads asking for help than they are in actually helping their customers. Waiting to see how many other people affected are in the Northeast.

    I agree. North East here as well. PC NA server. Can not log in to the game at all now.

    Can get past launcher but can not get past login screen to character select. Usual "Can not connect to game server" error.

    They could also be a li'l nicer when closing your thread when you are just reporting an issue and asking for help.

    Just trying to log into the game and experience some of the content I paid for. Some of the event going on. Not a big deal, it happens to everyone. But it is irritating.
  • Damien_Uvirith
    darbycrash wrote: »
    From my Work computer, ping'ing times out. If I had hair to pull, id pull it. 4 packets sent, 4 packets lost.

    I'm also experiencing packet loss, that I've never had before. I'm no network guru so I can't point fingers, but it would seem like one hell of a huge coincidence that it is suddenly happening to numerous players on my network and evidently other players in the Northeast.
  • LilyOra
    @ZOS_BillE I know EU is having major issues and they are getting updates on the EU threads. Its day 2 for some of us on NA also, can we get an update for NA logging issues? It seems its mostly East coast that is having issues.
  • darbycrash
    Yep.... Going on 2 days, no ESO. Home from work now, still down
  • LilyOra
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can we get an update on the issues on PC NA please
  • darbycrash
    So, I was just able to get to the char select screen for the first time, and I logged in. I will update soon.
  • Damien_Uvirith
    darbycrash wrote: »
    So, I was just able to get to the char select screen for the first time, and I logged in. I will update soon.

    I get that lucky sometimes at well, but it wildly fluctuates. For example I've been able to get in game and walk around, but 2 minutes ago I just got the "Error 200" (And the Unable to load announcements).

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BillE Can we please get an update on the NA server? It's not secret that there is clearly something going on effecting many people in the Northeast. You've already mentioned an issue with ISP's in the EU, and there are threads about Comcast blocking Zenimax emails.

    Is NA being ignored because it is currently only affecting the minority of players?
  • LilyOra
    Im on now, seem to be stable. Will update if this changes.
  • mxxo
    For me it was all the time working. Then a friend told me 30 mins ago not to log out cuz there are a lot of players who cant log in the game. Shortly after that i got kicked out. I dont think that has anything to do with addons... its just the server. Now i cant log in anymore. I am EU btw.
    Edited by mxxo on April 10, 2018 8:54PM
  • Mureel
    mxxo wrote: »
    For me it was all the time working. Then a friend told me 30 mins ago not to log out cuz there are a lot of players who cant log in the game. Shortly after that i got kicked out. I dont think that has anything to do with addons... its just the server. Now i cant log in anymore.

    This has JUST happened to me - relogged from one char to another error 307.
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