Stuff has changed quite a bit overtime. I’ll sum up Concussion for you in it’s current state.
Concussion has a chance to proc on Shock Damage dealt. The exception is that Staff Light/Heavy attacks will never proc it, though the splash damage from shock heavy attacks can.
The percentage chance varies based on the source. Here’s what ZOS provided:
• Weapon enchants = 20%
• Standard ability = 10%
• Area of effect abilities = 5%
• Damage over time abilities = 3%
• Area of Effect damage over time abilities = 1%
Each tick of damage can be catagorized this way.
Alternatively, an Asylum Destruction Staff will apply Concussion (along with Burning and Chilled) at a 100% proc chance when it activates. This is why one player (the Sorc) always uses an Asylum Destruction Staff in raids.
Now that we know how to apply Concussed, you might ask what it does..... well it does two things:
1. Applies “Minor Vulnerability” to the target, causing them to take 8% increased Damage from all sources. This has a 4 second duration, and is refreshed every time Concussed is refreshed.
2. If a Wall of Shock (either morph) ticks on a Concussed target, they will be set “Off Balance”. Targets remain in this state for 5 seconds, and will return double resources to you when Heavy Attacked. They also take 10% increased damage if you have unlocked the “Exploiter” CP Passive. Off Balance has a 15-20 second cooldown on bosses enemies. Against trash mobs there is no cooldown, but it won’t refresh until the duration run out first.
That’s pretty much it
This is from the 2.1 patch notes so it may well be different now:
Standardized the chance an ability has to apply a secondary effect, such as burning, chilled, or concussed. These chances are:
Weapon enchants 20%
Standard ability 10%
Area of effect abilities 5%
Damage over time abilities 3%
Area of effect damage over time abilities 1%
With a gold charged staff with a lightning enchant you get a little over 80% chance to apply concussion on each enchant proc. With any other trait it's 40% with the destro passive. Unless they have a damage shield in which case it 0% because you cannot cause status effects against damage shields.