I play ESO on and off. I own the base game, but not Morrowind. I will not subscribe in the near future. I have no interest in Summerset for now. Money is a bit tight after moving house and saving up for sending my daughter to university, so I'm trying to be sensible here.
From what I understand Morrowind will be included in the base game for new players, but not for me.
Morrowind will be free for subscribers but not for me, I'll have to pay for it in crowns.
The Warden class will have to be bought separately in the crown shop by anyone who doesn't own it yet.
I have no objections to the above, I'm just wondering if the above statements are correct.
If so, do we know the price of the Morrowind DLC and the Warden class in crowns yet?
At the moment the Morrowind upgrade is €20 and even cheaper at some other sites like Greenman Gaming and Gamesplanet UK. Would it be smart to quickly pick it up now, or would the total price for the DLC and class in the crown store be cheaper then that? Keep in mind I don't play regularly so I might miss out on any crown deals.
Mirianna Valoran, Templar, EU