I have the quested apartment, but in a small room, I find its not really worth the effort to be that creative. Also, my guild has an incredible house with all of the crafting stuff and npc's available, so I wouldn't really bother with that.
Basically, I'm just considering a basic house (no more than a million or 2 or 3 thousand crowns) that might be convieniently located (I basically use Belkarth as a homebase now) to banks, thieve's guild, traders etc..
I know I could tour these myself, but there are an awful lot, so I thought the masses might have already formed some opinions about good values and certain places to avoid.
Even though there's not a real benefit to having my own house, having maxed crafters and accumulating so many diagrams and materials, I almost feel like I have to mess around with it.
Or should I just save my money and crowns.