Basically what they do is give a skin that works with the vampire system. But only vampires can use it.
Volkihar vampire skin would do this. At stage one you look mostly normal but with glowing amber eyes.
Stage two face becomes more bat like. Like the dragonborn looked as a vampire in skyrim.
Stage three more bat like. Stage four look like the vampire npcs did in skyrim.
Cyrodiilic vampire skin. Stage one looks like normal human.: Stage two: you start to appear with red vampire eyes. Stage three: cheeks starts to look Sunken like oblivion vampires did . stage four your appearance would be full on red eyes, sunken cheeks, pale coloring and visible fangs.
Edited by Thevampirenight on March 25, 2018 11:06PM PC NA
Please add Fangs to Vampires.
New skin idea: Volkihar vampire and Cyrodiilic Vampyrum vampire skins. 41 votes
Yes please I want both these skin options.
Yes but only Volkihar vampire skin
Yes but only the Cyrodiil Vampyrum skin
1 vote