Hey guys, I recently updated and maxed out five of my houses. Ninjamonkey0169 toured them on stream and recorded the videos for me. Check out his YouTube channel and his Twitch
https://twitch.tv/ninjamonkey0169/. He's building a fun housing community there. If you got a house you'd like to show off, I'm sure he'd be happy to.
I'll be including a couple of screenshots for each house as incentives to click on the videos.
Starting off with Twin Arches which features a battle of life and death versus the Land Kraken monster.
I decorated this house with a before and after setting. Outside is before the attack and inside is during/after the attack. Needless to say, the odds are stacked against the defenders, as they're facing the mighty meteor-summoning Land Kraken, slinging great balls of fire.
Edit: Changed the title of the thread
Edited by MighTyx on March 27, 2018 12:33PM