im playing my warden quite a lot of time and in PvP always with a Frost Staff - its just my prefered element over the other 2, simply becuase u can build up things with ice, not only destroy them (okey enough RP haha).
so, sadly the Iceheart Monsterset can not used as a style (I dont want to wear it - its just a bad set..).
Do u guys have style recommendations for an Ice Mage / Ice Warrior ? Im using Destro/Destro or Destro/2h in pvP.
I dont need pictures, if u have a good idea just write the styles here, Ill look them up by myself.
Sorry, I was never that good in "outfitting" myself haha!

Right now im using the Orsinium white bear costume and like it, but only the head.. I cant use that too in other outfits, right?