The Undaunted skill line Tooltip states:
"Complete Dungeon Achievements and Undaunted Pledges to increase your Rank with the Undaunted"
The Dungeon Achievement tab also includes Public Dungeons, however, these Public Dungeons and their related achievements are the only section whose achievements are not counted towards the Undaunted skill line (probably with good reason, sitting at a cumulative 1,910 achievement points, completing all Public Dungeon achievements would likely level you to Undaunted Rank 10 assuming a 1:1 ratio of points to experience).
The Question is:
Should this be clarified in the Tooltip for newer players? Or should these achievements count towards the Undaunted skill line in some manner (Likely with reduced Undaunted exp gain)?
Edited by Avran_Sylt on March 24, 2018 6:51AM
Should Public Dungeon Achievements Count Towards Undaunted? 81 votes
Benefit Undaunted Skill Line