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Updating Elven Hero Costume for Summerset Chapter

Wondering if anyone thinks that ZOS may update the Elven Hero Costume for the Summerset Chapter. I am happy with the current Elven Hero Costume but would be a huge fan if they updated it to look more like the original and even very recent Summerset reveal trailer (as seen in the images below). I also imagine more people would buy it considering I remember a ton of people saying they passed on it the first time because it wasn't close enough to the trailer for them.

Would love to hear if people think this is a possibility and maybe even get the ZOS devs to consider it. I understand the cape and loose cords would be difficult and I would prefer it remain without a cape and cords if they are going to be like the terrible Breton Hero cape. But I think the rest of the edits are fairly reasonable (though I could be wrong as I am not tech/CPU savvy). Again, it'd be nice if the costume could mimic the images below.

  • VaranisArano
    I'd love it, and I'd probably buy it this time around, but I'd like to request that it not make my female character's breasts grow several cup sizes beyond what I chose in the character creation menu. Its kind of weird when a costume gives a character plastic surgery, just saying.

    I'm afraid they'll put it in the Psijic Crown Crates, though.
    Edited by VaranisArano on March 24, 2018 2:25AM
  • GChaseXmas
    I think the remolding/reshaping of toons' bodies is an issue with multiple costumes, correct? I wonder if these issues eventually get patched or if old costumes that had this issues originally still have them today . I do know when this costume originally came out the bust resizing was an issue. Not sure if it has been fixed as of today though.
  • Grimm13
    Like the new version here. Noticed it has a cape.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • WuffyCerulei
    So long as they don't have the inner thighs of my poor Argonian be exposed, I'm fine if they update it.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • Leandor
    Update Breton instead. Elven looks fab as is, Breton is a pile of... outpour.
  • GChaseXmas
    Agreed the Breton one should be updated as well because the cape looks like a half done drink koozie since it sticks to the player with zero movement or flare. However, you think with the Summerset trailer featuring the Elven Hero they would put emphasis on that. But yes I agree the Breton hero armor is the one that needs an update probably the most of the three hero costumes.
  • MythicEmperor
    GChaseXmas wrote: »
    Agreed the Breton one should be updated as well because the cape looks like a half done drink koozie since it sticks to the player with zero movement or flare. However, you think with the Summerset trailer featuring the Elven Hero they would put emphasis on that. But yes I agree the Breton hero armor is the one that needs an update probably the most of the three hero costumes.

    Yeah, it’s so bad that I never wear it. It’s just too distracting. They definitely also need to fix the Elven Hero costume, however. The game is rated M; are they seriously concerned about a costume being too revealing when they have far more revealing Argonian and Bosmer costumes?
    With cold regards,

    Favorite Characters:
    Kilith Telvayn, Dunmer Telvanni Sorcerer (main)
    Kilith, Dunmer Magblade (old main)
    Vadusa Venim, Dunmer crafter (older main)
    Hir Hlaalu, Dunmer Warden
    Søren Icehelm, N'wah Warden
    Fargoth of Morrowind, Bosmer commoner
  • JWKe
    They all need updating.
  • Vuldovahkriid
    I missed out on Nayru's outfit from Morrowind, but I will definitely be purchasing Raz' outfit from the trailer(if it's available)
    Valtyr Stormblade- Nord DK CP810

    Vulsahvith- Argonian NB CP810

    Illidan Highborn- High Elf Sorc CP810

    Thrall Durotar- Orc WD CP810

    Mythos Varedis- Wood Elf TP CP810

    Ra'zaq- Khajit NB CP810

    Aelya Proudmoore- Breton Sorc CP810

    Broxigar Saurfang- Orc DK CP810

    Lady Sylvannas Windrunner- Dark Elf NB CP810

    Lord Anduin Wyrnn- Breton TP CP810
  • Bam_Bam
    Ummm, how about ADDING all the missing race hero outfits FIRST??? Argonian, Redguard, Imperial etc etc

    Elves get absolutely everything already even though everyone knows they'd be better boiled in oil. I can't believe they are getting their own chapter. Ridiculous. #downwithelves #Ayrennisreallyamidget
    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • rhapsodious
    Baranthus wrote: »
    Ummm, how about ADDING all the missing race hero outfits FIRST??? Argonian, Redguard, Imperial etc etc

    Elves get absolutely everything already even though everyone knows they'd be better boiled in oil. I can't believe they are getting their own chapter. Ridiculous. #downwithelves #Ayrennisreallyamidget

    The Breton, Nord and Altmer hero costumes are from the Three Fates cinematic trailers that came out upon release/are plastered all over early promotional material for the game. At the risk of Well Akshuallying, they're more like Alliance Hero costumes and therefore there's only the three.

    The Altmer Hero costume in game is the nicest of the three already, so while a texture update and tweaks would be nice, I'm not getting my hopes up. Their engine doesn't support capes, and as the Breton Hero costume demonstrates, I'd prefer they rather not try to make it.
  • GChaseXmas
    Baranthus wrote: »
    Ummm, how about ADDING all the missing race hero outfits FIRST??? Argonian, Redguard, Imperial etc etc

    Elves get absolutely everything already even though everyone knows they'd be better boiled in oil. I can't believe they are getting their own chapter. Ridiculous. #downwithelves #Ayrennisreallyamidget

    The Breton, Nord and Altmer hero costumes are from the Three Fates cinematic trailers that came out upon release/are plastered all over early promotional material for the game. At the risk of Well Akshuallying, they're more like Alliance Hero costumes and therefore there's only the three.

    The Altmer Hero costume in game is the nicest of the three already, so while a texture update and tweaks would be nice, I'm not getting my hopes up. Their engine doesn't support capes, and as the Breton Hero costume demonstrates, I'd prefer they rather not try to make it.

    The Altmer, Nord and Breton were simply the three heroes used to symbolize the three factions in the Cinematic Trailers used pre-console launch (maybe pre-PC launch too). Why they picked those three idk. Maybe they’re three of the more popular races or maybe the artists just picked their faves. I have No idea. But the hero costumes are those three races because of the trailers. Does every race even have a hero? Maybe, but at this point the answer would be no. However, you could argue other races are getting their “hero costumes” as seen with Naryu’s outfit and what may likely be a Razum-Dar outfit. Again, that’s something I guess only the artists and creation team would know.

    As for the capes, I agree, I would prefer none if they’re going to be like the Breton costume. Rhapsodius, you are probably right that nothing will be altered and I am happy with the current look of it. Maybe the new Summerset Trailer just got my hopes up since the Altmer hero was a main focus of it. Now that I think about it, has any costume been “updated” since the games launch? Maybe an update is unlikely simply because costume updates are just not something that is done period.
  • Radiance
    Baranthus wrote: »
    Ummm, how about ADDING all the missing race hero outfits FIRST??? Argonian, Redguard, Imperial etc etc

    The Breton, Nord and Altmer hero costumes are from the Three Fates cinematic trailers that came out upon release/are plastered all over early promotional material for the game. At the risk of Well Akshuallying, they're more like Alliance Hero costumes and therefore there's only the three.

    There are also 2 costumes from the Morrowind Cinematic trailer for the RedGuard Austere Warden Costume and the Dark Elf Naryu Costume

    there is also a Skull Marking you can use to recreate the look of the Dunmer who accompanied the Nord in the Undead Werewolf opening sequence.
    Edited by Radiance on March 28, 2018 3:48PM
  • rhapsodious
    Radiance wrote: »
    Baranthus wrote: »
    Ummm, how about ADDING all the missing race hero outfits FIRST??? Argonian, Redguard, Imperial etc etc

    The Breton, Nord and Altmer hero costumes are from the Three Fates cinematic trailers that came out upon release/are plastered all over early promotional material for the game. At the risk of Well Akshuallying, they're more like Alliance Hero costumes and therefore there's only the three.

    There are also 2 costumes from the Morrowind Cinematic trailer for the RedGuard Austere Warden Costume and the Dark Elf Naryu Costume

    there is also a Skull Marking you can use to recreate the look of the Dunmer who accompanied the Nord in the Undead Werewolf opening sequence.

    Right, but those aren't "race hero" costumes like the post I quoted was asking about. They're "the Warden from the trailers who happens to be a Redguard" (who definitely has a name, I just can't remember what it is :sweat_smile: ) and "Naryu's updated costume".

    What I was trying to say is we're probably not getting "hero" costumes for every race any time soon. The Altmer/Elven Hero costume is based on a specific character, even though she's only shown up in trailers at this point.
    Edited by rhapsodious on March 28, 2018 4:08PM
  • Hearts_Wake
    No pls. Leave elven hero costume as is.
    A new elven outfit for SS would be cool.
    As would the naryu outfit from the morrowind trailer.
    IF executed properly.
  • yodased
    GChaseXmas wrote: »
    Baranthus wrote: »
    Ummm, how about ADDING all the missing race hero outfits FIRST??? Argonian, Redguard, Imperial etc etc

    Elves get absolutely everything already even though everyone knows they'd be better boiled in oil. I can't believe they are getting their own chapter. Ridiculous. #downwithelves #Ayrennisreallyamidget

    The Breton, Nord and Altmer hero costumes are from the Three Fates cinematic trailers that came out upon release/are plastered all over early promotional material for the game. At the risk of Well Akshuallying, they're more like Alliance Hero costumes and therefore there's only the three.

    The Altmer Hero costume in game is the nicest of the three already, so while a texture update and tweaks would be nice, I'm not getting my hopes up. Their engine doesn't support capes, and as the Breton Hero costume demonstrates, I'd prefer they rather not try to make it.
    Why they picked those three idk. Maybe they’re three of the more popular races or maybe the artists just picked their faves. I have No idea.

    Well its obvious isnt it?

    Three alliances.

    Three heros.

    Three leaders

    Blue breton king
    Red nord king
    Yellow altmer queen

    Breton hero
    Nord hero
    Elven hero

    Hero embodies leader, waering leaders peoples gear, aligned to people.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • GChaseXmas
    yodased wrote: »

    Well its obvious isnt it?

    Three alliances.

    Three heros.

    Three leaders

    Blue breton king
    Red nord king
    Yellow altmer queen

    Breton hero
    Nord hero
    Elven hero

    Hero embodies leader, waering leaders peoples gear, aligned to people.

    Right I understand all that. But I was simply getting at why these three races were selected as the heroes/leaders, reps of their group and the like ... THAT I do not know. Could they have made the heroes and faction leaders Dunmer, Bosmer, Redguard? Maybe. It could be lore related but I’m unfamiliar with the lore. But that is neither here nor there. Personally it doesn’t really matter to me why. We have what we have and I’ve enjoyed the game and the Hero trailers. I just loved the trailer and am glad we got the hero costumes to begin with as they didn’t come out until some time after the game’s release. Was only bringing up this Discussion to see if the Elven Hero costume might get an update. Then I wondered if ANY of the costumes so far had been updated for whatever reason. This way I could put the likelihood of the elven Hero one being updated into perspective. My guess at the moment is that an update to the costume is highly unlikely.
  • Vuldovahkriid
    I want the outfit Raz is wearing in the trailer(I'm sure it'll be in the Store since Nayru's updated outfit was).
    Valtyr Stormblade- Nord DK CP810

    Vulsahvith- Argonian NB CP810

    Illidan Highborn- High Elf Sorc CP810

    Thrall Durotar- Orc WD CP810

    Mythos Varedis- Wood Elf TP CP810

    Ra'zaq- Khajit NB CP810

    Aelya Proudmoore- Breton Sorc CP810

    Broxigar Saurfang- Orc DK CP810

    Lady Sylvannas Windrunner- Dark Elf NB CP810

    Lord Anduin Wyrnn- Breton TP CP810
  • poky22man
    Soul Shriven
    I really hope they update it too, I got it before I realized that it had so many issues lol
  • veloSylraptor
    Yeah, I really want the proper trailer version. At this point I don't really mind if I they just released a new version and I have to buy it again. I just really want that version.
  • LastAyleidKing
    Cloth physics are required which can be a heavy load especially in multiplayer...

    Still I'd be happy if they brought it in capes, shoulder capes, etc
  • veloSylraptor
    They don't really need to have the parts that require cloth physics, just the base outfit would be nice.

    Edit: Specifically, v39HBSg.jpg
    Edited by veloSylraptor on May 18, 2018 7:42AM
  • adriant1978
    This outfit is from a time when ZOS was going through a prudish phase - anyone remember the original Redguard light armor or the Orcish boob window? - before someone reminded them that sex sells.
    Edited by adriant1978 on May 18, 2018 8:07AM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    No capes .
  • makreth
    elder clothing online.... :D
    Edited by makreth on May 18, 2018 8:55AM
  • MajesticHaruki
    We need capes.
    PC/EU @MajThorax Sorcerer and Housing Decorator prodigy
    In my spare time I collect materials and run away from mudcrabs
  • veloSylraptor
    Would've loved if they released a new version. At this point I don't even care if its 5000 crowns in the crown store or another legendary reward in a crown crate. It wouldn't be too much expense on their side to do this, and the return on investment would be really good.
  • heaven13
    I see that they've got the original on sale. Contemplating buying it since I missed it first time around and don't purchase crates so did not have the gems when it came back then.

    I'd really love an updated version though. I love the small bits of visible skin and the newer colors as well (though I guess dyeing can handle that second one).
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
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  • VaranisArano
    The Elven Hero's outfit in the Summerset trailer now has pants just like the in-game costume
  • veloSylraptor
    The Elven Hero's outfit in the Summerset trailer now has pants just like the in-game costume

    But not the promotional wallpaper they released. Also that still leaves the sleeves.

    Either way, they have shown a version of that outfit that some of us prefer, and then gave us a less preferable one. But hey, release a new version or don't, at this point I don't mind anymore. Although I would like to let them know that there is some demand in it, and there is some money to be made here.
    Edited by veloSylraptor on May 28, 2018 9:09PM
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