From Morrowind to the upcoming Summerset the five most recent expansions have included a trial, dungeons, another trial, more dungeons, and finally a third trial to round out the year. Thats a lot of content. I know a lot of players are disappointed by the Summerset announcement, but I actually expected about the same amount of content to be announced minus the trial. So with the news of another trial count me as pretty satisfied. I personally like the direction they're going with the game. I hope the days of "expansions" like Orsinium and DB are behind us and we continue to see great things like we've seen over the last year.
Are there still plenty of problems and areas of the game that are being neglected? Sure. But you cant deny they've pushed out a lot over the last year. Maybe they could have thrown in some dungeons with Summerset to justify calling it a chapter or whatever but it has another trial and the abyssal geysers which could be something to look forward to.
Thought a poll would be fun for some reason. This poll is for what content you'd like to see though. In 'other' dont put things like 'fix the lag' or 'stop the stam nbs from killing me'.
If you want to vote YES just vote for the "Dungeons and Trials all day" or "As long as they add one of the first 3 im happy" I guess. Sorry about it being worded poorly.
Edited by beamy93 on March 22, 2018 8:29PM
Zenimax has put out a lot of content over the last year. Do you like the dungeons and trials? 223 votes
Would like to see some other group content (new Craglorn area, DSA, etc)
Dungeons and Trials all day
New alliance war PvP mode/area
As long as they add one of the first 3 im happy
Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)