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Zenimax has put out a lot of content over the last year. Do you like the dungeons and trials?

From Morrowind to the upcoming Summerset the five most recent expansions have included a trial, dungeons, another trial, more dungeons, and finally a third trial to round out the year. Thats a lot of content. I know a lot of players are disappointed by the Summerset announcement, but I actually expected about the same amount of content to be announced minus the trial. So with the news of another trial count me as pretty satisfied. I personally like the direction they're going with the game. I hope the days of "expansions" like Orsinium and DB are behind us and we continue to see great things like we've seen over the last year.

Are there still plenty of problems and areas of the game that are being neglected? Sure. But you cant deny they've pushed out a lot over the last year. Maybe they could have thrown in some dungeons with Summerset to justify calling it a chapter or whatever but it has another trial and the abyssal geysers which could be something to look forward to.

Thought a poll would be fun for some reason. This poll is for what content you'd like to see though. In 'other' dont put things like 'fix the lag' or 'stop the stam nbs from killing me'.

If you want to vote YES just vote for the "Dungeons and Trials all day" or "As long as they add one of the first 3 im happy" I guess. Sorry about it being worded poorly.
Edited by beamy93 on March 22, 2018 8:29PM

Zenimax has put out a lot of content over the last year. Do you like the dungeons and trials? 223 votes

Would like to see some other group content (new Craglorn area, DSA, etc)
Moloch1514FaulgorHrogunSeptimus_MagnaLoves_guarsWifeaggro13TroneonanothermeAhzekXuhoragreyloxMrCray78CinbriMjolnirVilkasSeraphayelLlaren_Uvaynnecr0oNox_NoirRaulhnajeraColecovision 21 votes
Dungeons and Trials all day
profundidob16_ESOCyberOnEsoTanis-StormbinderLynx7386The_AurorSchemeringZagnut123Zagnut123SjizzleTasearMLGProPlayerMemeDankExtrashadowofnarsilMehrunesFlagonZeroXFFBellamysozo108SupremeRissoleZeni0sPr0fischimmler 19 votes
New alliance war PvP mode/area
Jitterbugflguy147ub17_ESOShareexenowarrior92eb17_ESOIdinuseJade1986Ragnaroek93lelink88EirellaDerraAcht88magictucktuckmemofinmb10TheRealSnikerAliyavanaCasulSerjustin19DKsUniteVeiledCriticism 36 votes
As long as they add one of the first 3 im happy
tspecherb14_ESOsrfrogg23Custos91KanarRoamingRiverElktemjiuSarevoccbitelspaulsimonpsDefiltedThe_4O4MilwaukeeScottPink_ViolinzRGvolterraAnkael07boggoSqueaky_CleanCarcharodontosaurusInsanepirate01ScottOfLibertalia 23 votes
New Battlegrounds modes
Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
laurajfItsMeTooSunraGalenCatsmoke14Esha76DarcyMardinHaphazardAllureKendaricAzuryaIruil_ESODanikatDarkstorneaubrey.baconb16_ESOtimb16_ESO85Okiirthomas1970b16_ESOanitajoneb17_ESOMalthorneLoralai_907 102 votes
rophez_ESOCaligamy_ESONewBlacksmurfRDMyers65b14_ESOGythralAlienSlofSqcAlinielStreegatplink3r1Merlin13KAGLMgghoolQuebraRegraMrWesleyPipesWrecking_Blow_SpamDrdeath20supaskrubSilverPawsboombazookajdAebaradath 22 votes
  • JahneeO
    Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
    I vote how I want!
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    Your poll options don't really match the question "do you like it?"
  • dovakiin5574
    Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
    I enjoy questing more than anything else, but I still do end game trials and such. Not so big on PvP but its fun sometimes
    PAPSMEAR - Positively Against Paws SMEAR campaign - Say YES to crown crates
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Odd poll choices but the topic makes sense.

    I’m happy they continue to add new content but I passionately disagree with their payment format, not the frequency.

    I’ve never been one to say they must add this for x group and that for y group. In my opinion, people buying the game are buying access to all the content.
    If you choose to only play a certain part that’s on you, as you don’t have the right to say they are leaving me out when you pick and choose what to play and what to skip.

    Now that doesn’t mean everyone has to do everything, it’s just that when content is added, generally it’s for everyone who pays.

    I would like to see some changes tho, perhaps solo only could become solo, duo and trio

    Maybe dungeons could have a group and solo version cause of the skill points.

    And trials could have a 4 man options
    (I do not expect the same rewards other than skill points tho)

    Cyrodil and Imperial City could have PvE versions limited by faction.
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on March 22, 2018 8:08PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • DieAlteHexe
    Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
    You are not the boss of me. :)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • rophez_ESO
    I'd like to see some actual game play systems that change things up. I was really excited about spellcrafting maybe coming with the next update.

    I'd also like more solo or small man END GAME content. I don't like trying to organize my busy life around 11 other people if I want to do end game.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    where is the 'yes i like it' option.

    just another poll with an agenda.
  • QuebraRegra
    needs an expansion of the existing classes (cross classing?) in the face of no spell crafting.

    needs a goblin race

    needs a BLOODMOON DLC

    needs racial storyline quests

    needs a WEREWOLF and VAMPIRE DLCs (with skill improvements).
  • Ozzymandius
    Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
    Voted for storyline stuff. Play mostly solo not that I am averse to group content - like teaming up with others to defeat world bosses e.g. in Wrothgar, Morrowind and Clockwork city. However, I don’t have the confidence in my skills/build to do group dungeons, trials and PVP- don’t want to let the side down.
  • beamy93
    Your poll options don't really match the question "do you like it?"
    where is the 'yes i like it' option.

    just another poll with an agenda.

    Yea sorry, dont know how to change the poll now. Thought the dungeons and trials option was essentially a yes since I went on about how they were pushing out trials and dungeons mostly, but yea it is worded poorly. Probably just should have left the poll out.
  • SecretJoy
    Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
    Yeah, sorry but I would love to see more Storyline stuff. There's still so much lore that they could explore, which is one of the best aspects of the Elder Scrolls universe.
  • ajm1946
    My only concern is the size of the game
  • Kendaric
    Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
    Story all the way, I don't care for dungeons, trials or PvP at all.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
      I'm gonna make a poll but first i need suggestions to make sure I am doing it right.
      How should I make my Poll:
      A: Put answers that have nothing to do with the question
      B: Actually put answers that answer my question
      C: Put answers that only agree with my opinion because that is all that matters
    • Lynx7386
      Dungeons and Trials all day
      Yes I like it, but I can't keep up with everything. I'm still working on completing morrowind and clockwork city, not to mention wrothgar, and now I'm going to have more to do. Its gotten to the point that I've started avoiding my guild's trials and am no longer doing daily pledges, plus im trying to just focus on one character instead of all 5 now, just so i can complete this stuff.
      Edited by Lynx7386 on March 22, 2018 8:19PM
      PS4 / NA
      M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
      Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
      Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
      Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
      Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
    • Drdeath20
      Can we please fix the stuff we allready have
    • Shardan4968
      Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
      If not for storylines, I wouldn'r buy this game actually.
    • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
      Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
      I feel that the best thing ZOS is good it is zone design. Everything is so detailed and beautiful. Unfortunately, quests are all way too short and eventually leave you in a zone with little to do. We need longer quests.

      Edited by Enemy-of-Coldharbour on March 22, 2018 9:14PM
      Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main - Killed by U35
      Jahsul at-Sahan | Redguard Sorcerer | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites | PVP Main
      Derrok Gunnolf | Redguard Dragonknight | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites
      Liliana Littleleaf | 9-Trait Grand Master Crafter/Jeweler (non-combat)
      Amber Emberheart | Breton Dragonknight | Stamina | Master Angler
      Vlos Anon | Dunmer Nightblade | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
      Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
      Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina
      Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka
      Tithin Geil | Altmer Sorceress | Magicka
      Dhryk | Imperial Dragonknight | Stamina

      Guild Master - ESO Traders Union
      PC/NA - CP 2400+
    • Aebaradath
      Edit: I need Dwemer glasses.

      I'd rather see them focus on fixing some bugs that have existed for a long, long time.
      Edited by Aebaradath on March 22, 2018 8:26PM
    • Serjustin19
      New alliance war PvP mode/area
      Hard core PvPer (also loves storyline) should BG be in PvP Category to? :blush:
      Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
    • Tandor
      Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
      I appreciate both the amount of new content and also the way that it is split between different playstyles, although I do think the dungeon content is overdone compared to the rest of the PvE. I guess adding a couple of dungeons every few months is the most efficient use of developer resources.

      So far as PvP is concerned, I'd very much like them to work on improving the apparent performance issues. I say "apparent" because I don't PvP so have no personal experience of Cyrodiil, but I am dubious about the extent of the reported issues given that people have been reporting those issues for the past four years but they're still here and they're also complaining about the length of the queues for PvP which suggests it hasn't been extensively abandoned due to being "literally unplayable" as is often claimed.

      In any event, I don't want ZOS spending their time on new PvP content at least at this stage when there are so many complaints about the existing PvP content (aside from performance). They should establish the true and full extent of the performance issues and fix them, then worry about new PvP content. As far as I can judge from the forum, a good many PvPers, if not most, would agree with that so it isn't just a "carebear PvEer's" rejection of new PvP content - they want the present content fixed first and foremost.

      Storyline-based questing is what lies at the heart of any TES game, and it lies at the heart of this one. That's where the main focus should be in my view so far as new DLC and Chapter content is concerned, with a focus on improving the trading system uniformally across all platforms so far as the base game is concerned.
      Edited by Tandor on March 22, 2018 8:24PM
    • SydneyGrey
      Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
      Storyline, but also more of everything except for your first five options.

      I want more weapon lines, skill lines, classes, races, and more areas to explore. I do some PvP, but it's not something I'd want to do every day. Same with group dungeons/trials.
    • Esha76
      Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
      I'm here for the story and aesthetics.

      I spent years chasing gear and slamming my head against bosses in other MMOs already. Been there, did that, and bored of it. I don't begrudge other people playing for those reasons, or complain when that kind of content is added, I've just had enough of that for myself.

      All that being said, I am very entertained by the story and very happy with the content. I pre-ordered right away, and am looking forward to Summerset very much.

      There is one thing I am not happy about. Price of outfit slots being per character. That is the one and only thing that still bothers me. Greatly.

      Wait, I lie... could do without the lag. So make that two things.

      Otherwise I am quite happy with what ZOS has created here.
      "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
      "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
      "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
      "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
      "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
      "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
      "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
      "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
      "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
      "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
      "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
    • beamy93
      Changed the poll question. Sorry poor english i raised in NA.
    • temjiu
      As long as they add one of the first 3 im happy
      Voted for above 3, but in reality, I'm pretty content with how they've been adding stuff. I don't PvP that much, and 3/4 of my time is solo. But I'm good if they add more group content, both open world (like Craiglonely), and instanced. Adding PvP should be OK, though I think based on the discussions most PvP players would prefer to have the current PvP actually work. And of course STORYLINE CONTENT. But they usually do. Summerset is proof in the pudding that story is priority in this game.

      If I were to pick something new to add, I would say to add more tiered content at level cap. Like a difficulty inbetween normal and Vet, and perhaps a tier above vet. different ways of challenging groups and solo players outside of EZ mode and vet trials. It's like they can design easy content, or stupidly hard content, but nothing in the middle. I'd like to see more middle stuff.
    • Gythral
      Esha76 wrote: »
      I'm here for the story and aesthetics.

      I spent years chasing gear and slamming my head against bosses in other MMOs already. Been there, did that, and bored of it. I don't begrudge other people playing for those reasons, or complain when that kind of content is added, I've just had enough of that for myself.

      All that being said, I am very entertained by the story and very happy with the content. I pre-ordered right away, and am looking forward to Summerset very much.

      There is one thing I am not happy about. Price of outfit slots being per character. That is the one and only thing that still bothers me. Greatly.

      Wait, I lie... could do without the lag. So make that two things.

      Otherwise I am quite happy with what ZOS has created here.

      This sums things up - while I'm happy to see that others enjoy things I dont (anymore)...
      “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
      Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
      Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
    • Eirella
      New alliance war PvP mode/area
      While I would love a new alliance war PvP mode or area, I would rather they improve Cyrodiil first.
      (PC/NA) - | @Eirella - formerly @jinxgames | CP 1000+ | Mainly PvPer (EP) | Haxus
    • DarcyMardin
      Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
      The story.

      Where’s Darien??!
    • Aebaradath
      The story.

      Where’s Darien??!
      In a tavern with two ales patiently waiting for the Vestige to visit.
    • Stewart1874
      Stroyline stuff (dont vote for this one)
      I've enjoyed bits of it:

      Morrowind was epic. Fantastic DLC. Loads of content and meaningful storyline. 10/10

      Horns of the reach I can't say i've really bothered with. 3/10

      Clockwork City was a bit meh. some good stuff but overall not really my cup of tea. 5/10

      Dragon bones I like! I think the worm wizard personality is waaay too hard to get. It should just straight up be a reward for completing it on vet. The challenges I feel make it something only a tiny percentage of the population can actually get. 7/10


      Overall, I'd probably say Zenimax are doing a good enough job, but Summerset will really be the acid test to see if they're taking on board community feedback or if I'm going to cancel my sub. - I want costumes and personalities which are unlocked through quests and milestones.

      Lots of positives but I have this underlying feeling after crown crates that everything is a cash grab that MUST be monetised. I feel like if you make a good game the monetising is barely noticed. I also feel that they've focused too much on cosmetic monetisation. I'd happily pay to boost my characters straight to 50. I hate the joyless grindfest of levelling them up
      PS4 - Europe - Aldmeri Dominion
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