sudaki_eso wrote: »Looks about the same, the one on the right has just a better texture and shader quality and of course its a rendering with lots of post production its not an in game screen.
Let me point out my concerns (constructive criticism):
Image 1
On the right image, you can see the end of the glove, that resembles the one on the boots.
I know they are rendered in different engines, that the one in the right is a more detailed model used for CGI.
But stay with me one more bit.
The glove's end in the left one has a more strait look, its more like a texture than a modeled (meshes) glove. Look this zoomed part captured from the same video, where the sword pommel doesn't get in the way as much as the first capture.
Image 2
Practically a strait line.
Another concern is that the boots might have gotten the same treatment, as the retracted hood (Image 1), in the 3D meshes department.
We already have costumes that have nice meshes, e.g.:
Image 3
Another thing that bothered me was the leather gloss (shader?), or the lack of it on the left in-game costume, as seen in Image 1. Here's an exemple of a good leather gloss:
Image 4
This one looks like as glossy as the leather parts in the right most costume in Image 1 (read this phrase again with Raz's accent).
I hope I could illustrate better my concerns (meshes & shaders, right?)
VaranisArano wrote: »Can I confess that I liked the old costume better? (It'd need better resolution but ALL the early motifs need better resolution.)
Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »I personally like his new armor better. But, something is wrong with his face. He seems to have lost that special something that comes from over-confidence. I miss that...
dovakiin5574 wrote: »Naryu got a new costume with Morrowind, why can't old Raz get a new costume with Summerset?
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »I'll just leave this here.
SydneyGrey wrote: »I like his new costume. The old one had ridiculous shoulders.
I don't like either. I just can't stand the Beast Races wearing too Human clothing. Khajiit and Argonians are physiologically different enough from Men and Mer that their clothing and armor should show for it, so when I saw Raz's head sticking out of an otherwise very Human looking pair of coat and boots, just doesn't sit right.
I don't like either. I just can't stand the Beast Races wearing too Human clothing. Khajiit and Argonians are physiologically different enough from Men and Mer that their clothing and armor should show for it, so when I saw Raz's head sticking out of an otherwise very Human looking pair of coat and boots, just doesn't sit right.
raz is an agent of the queen, not an agent of elsweyr, it makes sense he is wearing more regal scout type clothing
I don't like either. I just can't stand the Beast Races wearing too Human clothing. Khajiit and Argonians are physiologically different enough from Men and Mer that their clothing and armor should show for it, so when I saw Raz's head sticking out of an otherwise very Human looking pair of coat and boots, just doesn't sit right.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »I'll just leave this here.
I was just thinking about this one while writing my last response to dovakiin5574.
Is the whole Beton Hero costume problem all over again.