Bots on Auridon Xbox NA Shattered Grove!!!

I can not belive what just happened to me!

I came in the early hours of the morning upon a grove. A small Altmeri village nestled in a little forest. protected by wards to call on the aid of natural wildlife to defend its walls.

Once upon a time i stopped a misguided mage from harming this village further. As of now ot sits quiet and happy-ish.

Occasionally I like to visit again and recollect in my memories while skaughtering a bunch of wolves and bears for their precious pelts.

But what I just encountered has me floored and through the roof.

Around 8 people. with Gamertags generic xbox ones and character names such as xxpghtii ddhuutiopp hhorvvt

and two accounts with original gt and some low champion ranks around 200-300.

Immediately I called on my fellow travellers to come and report this mess. Them hiding behind a tree waiting for a respawn then flying out to oull all the Animals into one spot and burn them down. Harvesting my pelts EN MASSE.

Obviously bots. I thought the two normal gamertags were people caight up trying to farm themselves dealing with the bots.

But alas I recieved an invite to the group. odd... I was able to report much easier being in the group and did such.

Then a party invite. more odd... In this party were the two regular gamertags.

As soon as I Joined CUSSING SCREAMING VERBAL ABUSE started in from ny headset. Yelling at me calling me a griefer and claiming to report ME! Calling me a child of 12 and a slurr of insults id rrather not repeat.

It was insanity. Never have I encountered the people behind the bots. I left grouo and party and took to zone and text chat ranting at this whole ordeal.

Next I took to the forums.

I still can not belive this happened. Please if you see this on Xbox NA report if you can.

Such people discust me.
  • Violynne
    Bots on an XBox server?

    Nope. Not buying it.

    My guess is they're alts played by people being paid to farm.

    Let it go and move on. Plenty more to do than let a few others "ruin" the game for you.

  • Liferefugee
    Bots happen on that server all the time. When an entire group of sorcs are in perfect sync with skills, grouped in a circle, and attacking thin air it's hard not to think bots.
  • TheNuminous1
    Violynne wrote: »
    Bots on an XBox server?

    Nope. Not buying it.

    My guess is they're alts played by people being paid to farm.

    Let it go and move on. Plenty more to do than let a few others "ruin" the game for you.

    The misguided Idea that there are no bots on Xbox is so wrong you have no idea. they are in like every zone. rivenspire grahtwood auridon stros mkai khenarthis roost and a ton more.

    Please DO NOT come on here claiming they are not real. I and many others have spent enough time in this game to have seen them for quite some time.

    IN FACT to anyone that seems to think bots are not a real thing on Xbox



    going around saying its imaginary or non exsistant is harming our game. By claiming its fake your devaluing our reports and spreading misinformation.

    Have you played xbox eso for any length of time? Because as I live and breathe I see them on my screen infront of me RIGHT NOW. Botting.
    Edited by TheNuminous1 on March 22, 2018 12:25PM
  • swippy
    what's unbelievable about bots on xbox? is that sarcasm?
  • strangeradnd
    PS4 has the same problem. Most of the ones I run into are node farming, just standing in one spot even when I have enemies drop AoEs on the area. I guess my only point is it is not limited to PC but exists on all the platforms.
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Sounds like the 2 low level idiots where probably there to farm for gold, upon seeing you they likely got mad (as scrubs do), afraid you'll ruin their gold farming.

    Imo I doubt they were the masterminds, probably just tag-alongs.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Also not sure if this is still a thing but I'd be wary of joining random people's xbox parties (especially bots/exploiters)

    Way back on xbox 360, I was on halo 3 in a ranked competitive game, the losing team was camping and invited me and my friend to a party. We joined and this guy was saying to let them win or else... We didn't buy his bluff, after a few seconds, an xbox message from our own accounts messaged us, as in somehow this guy hacked our details and sent us a message via our own accounts. We was like wtf! We let them win as guy promised not to do anything further, he kept his word. But it was scary to know he could hack so easily via the xbox chat.

    We played halo 3 a lot and after versing many other glitchers, who would attempt to attack your I P address and kick you from game, we never got hacked like that as we always ignored the party chat invites.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • BurningLance
    ugh bots specially those sorc bots standing in one spot with their pets out doing heavy attacks on wolfs at Carved Hills in Betnikh.

    if only the devs could change the way heavy attacks work to where one had to release the attack button after a heavy attack to do another like it was with staffs and bows before they changed their heavy attack animations.

    that would cull lots of these botters who ruins the fun.
    Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!

  • Elsonso
    ugh bots specially those sorc bots standing in one spot with their pets out doing heavy attacks on wolfs at Carved Hills in Betnikh.

    if only the devs could change the way heavy attacks work to where one had to release the attack button after a heavy attack to do another like it was with staffs and bows before they changed their heavy attack animations.

    that would cull lots of these botters who ruins the fun.

    Just report them and move on. Probably best if you don't check back to see if they are gone. ZOS isn't the definition of speedy in this regard.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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