Error 102 appears again

So you fixed this problem for a last 8 mouths but now this error appers again. Error 102, cant finde patchMetaFile etc etc. Lets be honest - this is your side bug, because can be easy fixed by any VPN changer, so looks like your servers just wont work with some regions. As for me I wont run some "Repair" because this isnt repair - just whole cliend redownloader and other shamanistic stuff like computer reboot, firewall exeptions (always worked fine with or without it), hell's dindellion tincture, snake oil compress and other useless types.
Just fix thouse files you crippled with new patch and all be fine as yeasterday.
Or you're really belive so many people get this error just after the last patch just coincidence?
Edited by Gorgoneus on March 21, 2018 5:16PM
  • GoonyGoat
    I though this was just me, I can't even repair the client as it also spits out an error 102 when attempting to repair.
    Also did all the standard "have you tried turning it off and on again" stuffs :)
    You also on Windows 10 or is it a generic PC error after the patch today?
  • Gorgoneus
    Wraith66 wrote: »
    I though this was just me, I can't even repair the client as it also spits out an error 102 when attempting to repair.
    Also did all the standard "have you tried turning it off and on again" stuffs :)
    You also on Windows 10 or is it a generic PC error after the patch today?

    This is server side error preventing some regions from game patchings. People got some error 102, error 210 even errors with 4 numbers in name. And of course all this problems occure just after last patch. And just as 8 mounths ago it can be fixed by VPN/IP changers only.
  • GoonyGoat
    ah lame, I guess tonight I catch up on some Netflix then
  • Gorgoneus
    Wraith66 wrote: »
    ah lame, I guess tonight I catch up on some Netflix then
    It will be a miracle if they'll fix it so soon.
  • olsborg
    also have this error today when i decided to finally try playing again after a week off, oh well guess ill play something else

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • HelenaTroyania
    I'm having the same issue since last night. Nothing seems to help
  • Thunderclap
    Start the exe direct. I use the launcher only on patch day. All other days I start the game with out this c... tool.
    PC EU - PVP - CP 2300+Win 10 Home 64-bit - 32GB - SSD 1000GBIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.6GHzNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
  • Gorgoneus
    I'm having the same issue since last night. Nothing seems to help

    VPN / IP changers works with 99% chance.
  • GoonyGoat
    Disconnecting my standard Wi-Fi and re-connecting through a mobile hotspot to download the patch worked for me :)
  • piemont
    Soul Shriven
    Gorgoneus wrote: »
    VPN / IP changers works with 99% chance.

    Thnx, man, for this idea.
    It rly worked - just had to start with vpn. In few min changed back to my OP inet - it kept downloading.
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